cgtrader turbosquid female riggedlaura ingraham show yesterday

So here on CGt I could have just asked the buyer if he would be interested in that sort of deal. Dear adentonclark, Open a Support Ticket, Licensing questions?Contact your Shutterstock Customer Success Manager. And it is convenient for the buyer and profitable for the seller. Bangalore Escort Hi guys, thanks so much for your very valuable comments, they are much appreciated and we are very happy to work with you in order to make CGTrader the best place for 3D designers! While i've heard that TS support isn't that great in practice and they always tend to exploit sellers, but impression that they're making on buyers must be really good. Unless you have a huge ass :) You can not keep all aspects of these markets covered, so you will only be average on all of them or even worse. This used to be the case in TS as well, but the issue is being solved, this will have to happen here on CGTrader as well. CGtrader is just better in all possible ways. Care to share your time machine? In that case on CGTrader buyer can contact seller directly and ask him/her to fix the issue. You are clearly one of the professional buyers who doesn't take advantage of the system but there are so many out there who do that and 3D sites are beginning to try to safe guard their artist's work by not making it so easy to just get everything you want for free. The age of 3D models is over and people have moved on to 3D printing. I sell my shipping container which is professional model according to my buyers reviews . For some people with experience that did the math taking all factors in count (not talking about just NoneCG, of course) it was crystal clear since many years ago. Yes you are right Zet! Considering it as a seller, CGtrader is NOT better because I have almost no sales at all while I have about 10 sales every month on TS. So if you think about that when we try selling just 3D models we are actually loosing a great deal of the market. Without checkmate Turbosquid would have gone out of business. Then there is the stupid "reputation" point issue. Once that happens it is goodbye Turbosquid and hello big bucks for all of us at CGtrader. I think I do a decent job at earning my keep.. And yes, it this is like if shapeways started doing cg. Maybe CG Trader should consider a large add-on to the site, where the customers can click a link, and go to a whole new site (owned by cg trader) that does sells strictly 3d printable models :) Just an idea :). We can help here by simple putting the links to our work on our social media. The conclusion seems, that clients are either more familiar with Tsquid, or that TSquid offers something else that is so valuable that even a much lower price doesn't matter. I will very much want to peruse. No matter what the Wisdoms offer you now, they will make you pay x10 later once they are done with their competitors (again). @IterateCGI These are great ideas and in fact we are currently working on one campaign that will involve the community to help market CGTrader better. They also have multiple sellers selling the same products so that it is easier for people to avoid people paying for shipping in their country. I have always been amazed at how TS can pull off their selling stunt, I've got better stuff AND cheaper on here than on TS but the sales over there totally dominate. There are lots of fun ways can gain points on cg trader . And to be fair, you will never get exact 40% from squid either, because they have payout fees too and also they withold certain amount from US purchases. My sales are not still on par with TS, but I haven't published new models for quite some time, because I only have time to create models to enter challenges from time to time. You can upload a 20 mb large model here with 3 formats, 20 photos, 100 wording text, 20 tags in around 20 minutes. Female Hand, Andrey Gritsuk : Hello Friends, glad to present you my When you search for specific models car, bike etc you usually end up finding a bunch of irrelevant models in there that don't even belong in that category and that is largely due to the fact that, they allow users to setup their own tags Is it fair if I do? I'm glad CGtrader and its community of supporters is able to make this situation come to an end. Search is terrible, and lost if you have to go backwards a page. Of course if you are buying models for the next Transformers movie the poly count won't matter that much because those models may be 500,000 each and you have almost unlimited resources to run those. CGtrader better is : Design,User friendly,royalties etc all better . Most of the Ts artists also moved their work over here and almost everyone knows that, just not the ones hoe are exclusive, it's not going to take too long now before they systematically start breaking the exclusive contract when they see sales going down every month and things going up over here. cgtrader is far better than turbosquid in my opinion coz cgtrader offer 80% royalti payment and turbo only give you 40% royalti payment which is sad. Royalty rate of CGTrader allows the seller to make a model cheaper than on TurboSquid. My personal experience, having had a short stint as a 3d print seller on Turbosquid, is that they paint with way too broad a brush when it comes to potential IP infringement. I tried to contact the buyer several times with no response. While there is some sellers that naively think they can rely on Turbosquid's good will to improve their situation in the future, the rest of us should be start working together towards a collective benefit. Maybe there is something behind the scenes what you can't know or can't tell? Turbosquid has too many models I ended up terminating my account, seeing as I couldn't operate the store under such conditions - not only did I risk having the work I'd put in uploading items undone at any moment, I also had no idea what pitfalls I had to avoid to not have items taken down. - Moderating some pointless threads opened by people using CGtrader as an advertising platform for their own website without even selling a single object here I don't get paid until the 3rd, but I thought I'd download some things, look at their quality, fill up a cart and get prepared to purchase when the money comes around. Here at CGtrader you can do all of that and much much more which is awesome!! Turbosquid just has it backwards. What this shows is their weakness. When I started on cgtrader I had more sales than on TS. I think that they keep the 3D models as a curtsey only or to serve as samples that could at a later date be turned into prints. 3D 3D Photorealistic Female Rigged - TurboSquid 1789052 Over the years they have shown me that they really care about we think about the way things should be run and they have been adapting the website based on our combined ideas. for someone that is a little more unique. What I read on different forums seems obvious, exclusivity no longer pays. My initial idea was that Ts had some clients that do not know anything outside of Ts. On Ts we get served for extreme large cost and rather badly frankly said. And i cannot take care for piracy or stolen models because the 3d stuff will go in piracy anyways, doensnt matter the platform it comes from. - Once in a while, alert all designers that a cleaning operation will be made, and wipe out objects that are of a too bad quality or copyright infringements. I have been studying their website from a buyers perspective thoroughly and I have noticed that; 1. This market is changing rapidly and Ts is not adapting to the evolution of connectedness within the global CG community. Highend 3D - Character Rigs The people at the top of the pyramid scheme bully all the new modelers who show any sales success because they barely scrape by as it is so it is really bad work environment to work for Turbosquid is not worth your time. And something ells , I have seen people criticize the young inexperienced and even blame them to some point for some negative experiences over here. Well, it was more than one year ago that I last intervened on this thread. Professional Rigged 3D Female Models Toggle Navigation; 3D Models New & Unrated Rigged Price. For example, I ran into this this morning. If you have any questions about these. Most people don't care a bit about all this. Cgtrader better sell my shoes here than webmoney plus royalty rate. @tomislavveg, on the one hand i agree with you about that, but on the other hand if i would be looking for models i would almost certainly choose TS as my first choice and most likely as a last one before buying. I do feel cg trader gives the artists a better price and the share is fair . I have it is about 5%. Change Method. It might be a good idea to see what the customer experience is with various market places by making an experimental purchase at each and seeing who has the most effective methods of enticing return visits and encouraging word-of-mouth bumps. 3. Marius Kalytis (founder of this place) was a 3D artist himself and took notice of the questionable policy's the established market had adopted (leaving room to do it differently). However, fear of losing sales kept me both on Ts and CGt for long time (not liked it). This site is bloated with 3D print ready models, crap models and "adult content / i cant see it". Basically, they continue to sell their previous models or are selling non-liquid assets. They had shoddy products but they created the illusion of having something amazing and that was better than a PC. If CGtrader's advertisement budget is a problem, a Crowdfunding round may help. Doesnt matter the kind of kinky-dinky stuff the platform provides me. My friend didn't get any support. We've been on TS over 20 years and on CG trader since their start. Bala - Female Rigged Character 3D model 3D - TurboSquid 2034950 We can't even communicate on Ts, and that in an age of supper connectivity, it's just the world on his head. I would expect those kinds of charges from a real art gallery with real world space that could sell my work for 10,000 a pop, not some virtual space that sells my work for 50 bucks. Turbosquid is basically a pyramid scheme for the most part unless you are established and have been in the top rank for many years. Blendswap.com5. The "crap models", "under-priced models" issue is a very sensitive topic that should be discussed. I removed the download limit until we update the protection so that buyers can download much larger quantities of free models. Then they would only find the relevant models and get to purchasing them right away. It would be great to have more of your feedback so we could make it better for buyers. And it is convenient for the buyer and profitable for the seller. This is why: The more people ho place your item in their stores the higher your ranking for that product gets "in the pool that is". Another thing that drove me crazy about Turbosquid was how you couldn't promote any of your social media and it made it very difficult to get your clients from let's say Facebook and Twitter to notice your artwork. I think I like the another item the modeler has created (Modern Villa), but that item is $40. I'm always in favor for more options and less restrictions. CGtrader.com3. All that time that we didn't have to spent dealing with Turbosquid bad support went to more time for artistic work. It's all fine and CGT rocks the socks off the competition. They simply do not get the idea that Turbosquid is just another reseller for the real product developers, and Turbosquid management and "rules" promote exactly that. [a=] google6[/a] Apart from this it would be nice to have a system that promotes collaborative action to make the products themselves better. TS can go to Hell, and never return again. On TS depends on the country you come for, you get around 30% of your earnings (this is how much you get on your account, I know it is stated 60% but they take additional 30% for US tax), here I am not shore how much you get as I just joined and did not made any sales. I did not know about that. Being an artist himself makes a huge difference in this regard. Hmm, i went to your profile and i see no negative feedback. 60% is an insult. If you have any questions about these. The clients like to waste money for a more expensive model at TSquid, perhaps knowing that the artist will get shafted with a measly 40% return, and that's that. A customer coming in from outside can view stores, search inside a store or still search the global data base. CG trader is the first helpfull professional website I've seen in 20 years. There are very few modelers out there who can actually support themselves financially doing this and whenever one of us sells anything it is a little like winning the lottery. I experienced this on other topics like the challenges, where CGT team took some ideas into consideration and applied some of them. "google8", google10 I like how there is no join up fee. What I eventually hope to have is a healthy fair open market place, where collaboration , communication, people empowerment and evolution prevails over control systems, central power structures, monopolistic thinking, and maintaining of a status qou. Ebay it's ALL about direct seller/customer relationship. this issue frequently occurs when a seller wants to break a competitor. Turbosquid has the traffic and so you get the sails. Every freelancer is corporation of it's own. For example, make affiliation partnerships between people/storeowners possible. you should check out all the posts about 3D models quality. Site itself must have significant changes to make it more attractive and more convenient to buyers, especially big buyers. I left the turbosquid from Diamond level . But Also Turbosquid actively promotes models on their site with the use o. Get this item for $ when you bundle it with the items in your cart. If that is the case then better not to become exclusive! To bad this place is ridiculously expensive, you only get 33% of your sales. - It's much easier to upload products here than at TS. I think John Hoagland already pointed out very well the most direct benefits of doing business with Cgtrader over Turbosquid. CGt embraces all modern communication technologies which is critical to establish such a place. Hopefully this will start another interesting discussion . You need to find what you want based on category and budget and purchase it quickly so you can use the product or send it to who will. You can download any 3d model in all popular 3d formats including MAX, OBJ, FBX, 3DS, STL, C4D, BLEND, MAYA and other. Because of its design and trade/royalty system, CGTrader seems better and more advantageous, but at the end of the day, I get much more income from Turbosquid and The3Dstudio. TS has bather page rank, when someone searches the net it will come on top, simple because it is an older website. - Fixing some guidelines to upload quality models (at least assuring that obj models, for instance, if textured, should have a proper .mtl file, limiting the models to quads/tris, imposing materials and textures to have understandable names, etc. I can't download that lamp and see it's quality myself - so why would I purchase anything from the creator when I don't know if I'll be satisfied? What's lacking? i guess both have different orientationone is cg and one is 3d printing oriented. They call that "3D Industry" on the download report .. it's rare but it's happend (one time for me) Is the same for me as everyone else. So the staff there tries to work No frankly, it's a bloody mystery. I'm suggesting a collective of store owners. Of course Matt Wisdom was disoriented and he was associated with Pixel SQUID bankruptcy. We will only contact you if there's a problem with an order. Each sold model you can find anyone time in a download center. Hi from Will and Mr Data :) :] TurboSquid goes down, It becomes miserable the users are ,,working from behind,, ! Pleas just stand your ground, we need people coming in not leaving out. Some people mistaken de renders for real items already, can imagine how that would be on Ebay or amazon. I wanted to test if clients compare sites (eventually wanted to avoid clients would use the expensive Ts platform to get my items). Machines have already replaced people making their jobs irrelevant in many fields already more and more customer service jobs have become automated, many store sales positions now are not needed because so much is being done online, the tolls on the highways now only use fast track or you get a letter in the mail telling you to pay it because there is no one in the booth anymore so you can't pay it on the road. Contact your Shutterstock Customer Success Manager, $10,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification), Uncapped Legal Protection (Indemnification), $1,000,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification), $250,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification). There are indeed some snags in data management and the sorting out system. Welcome to Eduvance Youtube Channel.Technology Leadership Program lecture series focuses on imparting knowledge to school students about new technologies lik. Thanks for sharing Your experience and thoughts. In my understanding, for CG models, there are three main trends : large public with various expectations and low budget (roughly, poser people) ; professionals needing a good quality model quick and ready to pay for that (roughly, TS buyers), programmers wanting to create video games in search of game ready assets. Because of its design and trade/royalty system, CGTrader seems better and more advantageous, but at the end of the day, I get much more income from Turbosquid and The3Dstudio. According to TS "Marmoset Toolbag's watermark" is an overlay and a no no. TurboSquid be avoided guys! They customize those figures anyway you want. I can't imagine that competing sellers would go for such things as you described, but who knows, there are plenty nuts all around :]. I had a conversation with Eduardas he confirmed that they will improve the feedback system. And between CGTrader and TurbuSquid, I think, let everything will be decided in a reasonable competition. A very interesting idea about the stores and collections. And some may post a part of a set, and ad a link to the complete set, others may just do it to spread their work and name, etc. This would have probably be true for newcomers 5 years ago, but now that is different. It seems to me that over time a CGTrader will be able to overtake TurboSquid in many positions, if TS does not change its policy. My price at the time was same both on Ts as on CGt but after some time position on CGt got better and sales was picking up. We previously sent you final warnings about your non-compliance with our Best Prices policy. Yes, buyers has free will to express their opinion about model, but in case of negative feedback such opinion should be reasonable and motivated. I remember fighting them at length to try to put my brand name withing the model description or my website link and eventually lost the battle. Work directly with a 3D artist for your project. You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas, Thank you for shopping at TurboSquid. I had hoped that CGTrader would want to be the kings but i have to be honest if you licence a thing only here you have to own it forever, as you cannot sell that licence. By subscribing you confirm that you have read and accept ourTerms of Use. This is the Tesla Model 3. CGTrader will have to do so at some point, or people in search of quality models will simply avoid it. About TS: I want to say the following. Add a Payment Method, Add a Payment I could go on and on, it kept me puzzled. Brittney That's how they won and that is how you succeed in business. CGTrader vs Turbosquid | CGTrader Important detail : CGTrader allows communication between customers and sellers ! CGTrader. I'm about to bail on this site now - unless I can find any other topics that I might be qualified to post toapparently if I'm friendly enough I can earn some points, but it's seriously unlikely that I'll find any topics to which I can actually contribute. Fine details have been sculpted on the model down to pores and fine lines on the face and body. I have to be honest about my view else who am i. And I've done the same thing on Turbosquid, in the same period of time. 3D stock would have main subs like architectural, medical, automotive, etc). I am going to start a list to promote artists who are making great models but just aren't getting the views. If the buyer decided to buy after inspecting a sample, the seller would deduct the sample price from another 3d model. Then there is the stupid "reputation" point issue. So just to be constructive (and this will be my last post here, because I don't want to hijack the thread anymore, here are some ideas : $300 + (280) $200 to $300 (315) $100 to . Agree with every word above. We at NoneCg think that both CGtrader and Sellers will benefit from the exact opposite policy. I think John Hoagland already pointed out very well the most direct benefits of doing business with Cgtrader over Turbosquid. It would be mess. But I will look there only because I know what is cgtrader and how it works. A rig is like a skeleton of a 3D model, which lets you move and pose it with little effort. People may think that having that option makes it more likely for sellers to see their work by placing their models in the incorrect category but actually that just irritates buyers who may just go elsewhere to buy. The product team is reviewing your comments and this is something we will definitely work on. there is low quality traffic on cgtrader and also became too much focused on 3d printing models so gets affordable if u have many low quality printable models of cheap prices. CGtrader is more in line with modern economics and following the model of open participation businesses, all these things make it have the hallmarks of successfully serving a growing team with highly ambitious members and top talented achievers (and also stronger support of the CG community itself). But it should be also possible to turn this filter off. bye for now and be well Will and Mr Data :) :]. you should check out all the posts about 3D models quality. Ts would probably just pull up the royalty's and change policy if it stats feeling uncomfortable, but it would not change what is in memory. That is a serious problem because it means a whole lot more work for sellers and I wish they would just get with the program. "This is new era, time of old fashioned corporatism is going to be over. We are looking for contributors. Payment Method Royalty rate of CGTrader allows the seller to make a model cheaper than on TurboSquid. In other words as an artist in TS you are not so well protected, as it's here at CGT. What makes Cg-trader better than Turbosquid? There is other sellers that don't have any problem doing the same: I was stunned to get informed there was no fraud protection (yes people, you pay 60% cut and get no fraud protection). Also, the problem comes from the sellers, not the site designers, for a large part. I'm just dreading that sober moment when TS offers to buy CGT to kill off the competition. The very best thing I find on CGT is the disponibility of the team. Part of it is because they don't want to get scammed. (e.g. At least some aspects of it. Also could you elaborate on the search and going backwards issue? A few weeks later, my first 3d model was sold on TS, while I had to wait 4 or 5 months to get my first sales on CGT, And the sad thing is that those sales concerned only low-priced models. But they must realise that attracting more buyers only through more aggresive marketing is not enough. We will rather stick with cgtrader and know our models are safe, although the issue with finding CG models on the site is a little problem, but as long as they stay honest well be supporting them rather than supporting a bunch of thiefs and if we need to up our prices then so be it. You have to realize that TS is recognized by autodesk and even had a direct tab link to their site in max itself. The designers make a deal with each other and negotiate a percentage on the sales. Same for me, here. Why should the artist suffer? I'm just an end-user, one of the people you guys sell to, and the site is a large part of the issue, in multiple ways. I can think up multiple scenarios to try get a grip on it but I don't actually care anymore. So true! There is indeed much structural work that needs to be done here but the core foundation/principal is here. I wish someday Turbosquid disappear or bankrupt. Add a Payment Method, Add a Payment Ts went head on and contacted me (I was probably among list of targeted folks at that time, Ts previously also contacted me to make some shady deals which I rejected), now they requested me to lower my prices according to new price grantee model. I left all but . I don't think trying to sit down with one ass on more then one chair at the same time is a good business. Contact your Shutterstock Customer Success Manager, + blend c4d xsi ma lwo 3ds dae dxf fbx obj X, $10,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification), Uncapped Legal Protection (Indemnification), $1,000,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification), $250,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification). Thanks once again! Why is CGTrader better? The Ts model does not support such thing and is not up to the task of modern time needs for this industry. It's sad cgtrader promote only printing models and forget about regular models. Don't forget those young people are going to shape the future of this market and if we want to have a flourishing market then we need lots of well trained people in it. Then we're all back at Square one again. In other countries like China film production is far better funded so perhaps CGTrader could try opening it's doors to Hong Kong film studios etc Japan is also far better funded and in fact Turbosquid is also selling models on the Japanese market. They say you can price things anyway you want but then they take down your models if they do not agree with how you price them. However, I will agree that sales here aren't as good as TS. I removed all products from TS. What that means is that customers have the illusion of it being the best site out there even if the quality of the products is way below CGTrader.

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