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2012 0. Research Laboratory Specialist Associate Job Ann Arbor Michigan USA Many of these children grow up to become positive influences in their own communities. 2001 24,250 2007 401,000 2011 55,000 [10][11][12], Children in the child sponsorship program are provided food and clean water, medical care, education, life-skills training, and spiritual guidance through a direct sponsorship. 2010 1,700 2004 1,000 2006 0 Teen Challenge centers receive public funding. Telling me that you are a homosexual took courage, especially because you know Im a Christian. 2006 42,200 These two scholars have shaped a theoretical development perspective which posits that Western cultural values rooted in Christianity and in the case of Harrison, especially Protestant Christianity, have played an indispensable role in the economic and political success of the European and North American West. 2007 7,960 2007 315,000 We believe in God. In 2013, Campus Crusade hosted a pan-African conference (see: ), titled Pamoja 3 that was attended by several thousand young evangelical leaders from across Africa, during which top-billed speaker Dr. Seyoum Antonios, who leads an effort in Ethiopia to legislate capital punishment for homosexuality, vowed before cheering conference attendees that, Africa will become a graveyard for homosexuality!, In his speech, which was introduced by Campus Crusade for Christ Vice President Bekele Shanko (originally from Ethiopia), Antonios claimed that seventy percent of gay men have fecal sex, which involves ingesting large amounts of feces; that thirty-three percent of gay men are pedophiles, and that gay couples are coming to Africa to steal their children and turn them into homosexuals; that homosexuality has come to Africa to kill us, and thus must be eradicated; that gays are fifteen times more likely to be murderers; and that Africans should reject aid from Western organizations that are trying to infiltrate their continent with the homosexual agenda.. All Rights Reserved. The legal organizations supported by ADF (most of which are also funded by the National Christian Foundation) represent most of the anti-reproductive rights and anti-LGBT rights legal activism in America and are now playing, as well, a major role in mounting international efforts to restrict LGBT rights. 2011 2,000 The ultimate goal of their agenda is to use the force of law to silence sincerely held religious beliefs in opposition to same-sex marriage. 2007 5,500 2004 330,000 2002 1,000 2011 34,000 I would have either gotten into crime and drugs, which were always available around me. It reads,: You shall not lie with a male as with a woman.It is an abomination. 2011 6,000 In 1994 the Glenn Eyrie castle headquarters of The Navigators hosted a secret anti-LGBT rights conference which included representatives from Focus on The Family, the Family Research Council, the American Family Association, the Christian Coalition, Concerned Women of America, and the Christian Reconstructionism-linked U.S. Taxpayers Party. 2009 267,250 2005 5,000 These factors limit their rights and access to essential services such as education, employment, and health care, and pervasive discrimination and exclusion prevent meaningful inclusion in broader development efforts. Later in 2013, Joshua Lwere aggressively lobbied for passage of the Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill. Another Truro Church link to Uganda is through its support of the Uganda Christian University, through its organization Uganda Christian University Partners (UCUP), which receives NCF funding. 2011 1,500 Oyet, Lwere, Mitala, and Janet Museveni have all played major roles in Ugandas ongoing anti-gay crusade. Regeneration is billed as one of the oldest ex-gay ministries. 2012 94,340 2013 33,125. Addressing a rally against same-sex marriage, according to USA Today was Family Foundation of Kentucky executive director Kent Ostrander, who in a statement that likened the legalization of same-sex marriage to martial law told his audience, Across the nation, it is tantamount to martial law on state marriage policies when relatively few federal judges are overturning marriage amendments that millions of people have voted upon and decided, 2001 4,000 The Bible is clear in teaching on sexual sin including sex outside of marriage and homosexual acts. GLAAD is collaborating with the St. Paul's Foundation for International Reconciliation, the Unitarian Universalist UN Office, Soulforce, and several other partners to present Compass to Compassion a consultation to present a common strategy to deal with the global impact of American Christian fundamentalism on rising LGBT global persecution. easy jobs for autistic adults near bengaluru, karnataka compassion international lgbt. As the Southern Poverty Law Center puts it, Paul Cameron is an infamous anti-gay propagandist whose one-man statistical chop shop, the Family Research Institute, churns out hate literature masquerading as legitimate science. 2007 54,087 2002 70,000 This effort which has neutralized, at least in a public relations sense, charges that participating churches are anti-gay, has helped ignite church growth in Portland according to Palau: Were beginning to see churches grow and new churches planted, because weve demolished that straw man argument of Oh, youre just anti-this and anti-that. South Lake, for example, has planted a church in the Roosevelt neighborhood with 150 people coming. (see: ), In early 2014, Moore mailed letters Wednesday to all 50 governors urging them to get their legislatures to call for a convention to add an amendment to the U.S. Constitution saying the only union recognized by state and federal governments is the union of one man and one woman., reported the Associated Press (see:, Freedom in Christ Ministries (EIN 33-0361836), A practicing exorcist, Neil T. Anderson, is considered one of the leading Protestant authorities on techniques to expel (demon deliverance) demon spirits alleged to possess human beings. 2012 0 As Ockenga conceived, the Neo-Evangelicals would not, like the fundamentalists had done in the 1920s and 1930s, flee modernity or separate themselves from secular society; they would instead infiltrate (Ockenga used this term) the secular realm, placing their operatives in key positions from which to advance their cause which was the divine redemption of the world, the evangelization of all its peoples, and the establishment of Gods dominion over all sectors of society. National Organization For Marriage name and treasure the thought that you care about them. [note: these two paradigms are not mutually exclusive. Rutherford Institute head John W. Whitehead denies being a Christian Reconstructionist, and a 2007 interview with the nonprofit advocacy group Jews on First (see: seems to indicate that Whitehead has moved some ideological distance from Christian Reconstructionism since his the days of his close association with Christian Reconstructionisms founder R. J. Rushdoony and Rushdoonys most important financial patron Howard Ahmanson, also one of the Institutes top financial backers. It's a 2011 8,660 2005 6,000 2009 64,800 Like Luis Palau, Ed Silvoso has also targeted a chosen liberal, gay-friendly enclave, San Francisco. 2011 4,045,406 People are hurting . 2013 5,766,158, Citizens For Community Values (EIN 31-1075684). 2001 2,500 The NCFs core beliefs include the statement, the entire Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God; the only infallible rule of faith and practice. (see:, NCFs founders have helped create and lead the elite anti-gay evangelical right NCF co-founder and current board member Ron Blue has swerved on the Campus Crusade for Christ board and NCF co-founder (the late) Larry Burkett worked as a financial manager for CCC; Burkett was also a founding member of the Alliance Defense Fund (now renamed Alliance Defending Freedom); NCF co-founder and current NCF board member Terry Parker has served on the board of the Family Research Council (see encyclopedia entries for these three organizations.). Compassion International is the world's largest Christian child development organization. As reported by the Des Moines Register in a July 23, 2104 story. 2004 0 2001 6,250 This substantial increase in NCF funding to Becket presents strong evidence for the central role played by both NCF and the Alliance Defending Freedom (NCFs heaviest funded legal organization, which received $11,341,187 from NCF in 2013) in the Hobby Lobby case and the dozens of similar cases across American that ADF argued and supported in the lead-up to the Hobby Lobby decision including the Conestoga Woods v. Sebelius case that was folded into the Hobby Lobby case. The attraction to centrally controlled economics and coercive solutions despite the Chloe (Yeon Seo) Choi - Student Resolution Panelist - LinkedIn opportunity to develop spiritually, emotionally, physically and economically. In a chapter of the book titled War Strategy: We Need a Battle Plan, Bright and Jenson write, on page 61, Satan is a master of surprise, and often he does it by slowly desensitizing us, lulling us to sleep so that we are unaware of his schemes. 2006 2,950 2012 28,500 2005 15,700 If I made it past sickness, I would have succumbed the typical narrative of every young boy in these lands. Rushdoony, introducing Whitehead at a Reconstructionist conference, called him a man chosen by God. Rushdoony then spoke of our plans, through Rutherford, to fight the battle against statism and the freedom of Christs Kingdom. The Rutherford Institute was founded as a legal project of R. J. Rushdoonys Chalcedon Foundation, with Rushdoony and fellow Chalcedon director Howard Ahmanson on its original board of directors. 2009 7,300 2008 1,028,150 2008 515,409 This year, for the first time ever, several Compassion alumni returned to write one last letter to their former sponsors in this inspiring video. Two weeks after Bahati tabled the Anti Homosexuality Bill (activated it within the legislative process of Ugandas parliament), from October 31 to November 1, 2009 College of Prayer International President Fred Hartley III led the first COP teaching module in Uganda, for COP Ugandan Parliament members including David Bahati and Nsaba Buturo, Ugandas head of the Office Of Ethics and Integrity. (see: and Former Dean of Pepperdine University and now-President and Chancellor of Baylor University Kenneth Starr serves on the Advocates International board (see: In a section, on pages 49-50, titled A morally bankrupt climate has arisen, Luce bemoans, You walk past the Victorias Secret and glance into the storefront window: Your eyes fall upon massive posters of half-naked women, You stroll into Abercrombie and Fitch to pick up a catalog: You end upo paging through gay and lesbian pictures (set in strip clubs and shower rooms) that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago, Transgendered persons are a non-issue, Gay Pride is celebrated, and some [Abercrombie and Fitch] commercials even seem to sell the idea of being gay more than a product., 2001 500 Amidst the campaign, Anne and John Paulk were featured in a 1998 cover story in Newsweek which in 2014 would run a de-facto apology for its glowing 1998 story on allegedly successful examples of reparative therapy (see: 2012 1,223,550 Cromarties many ties to the Christian Reconstructionism movement (and its political front the Coalition on Revival), include Cromarties participation in the key 1987 Villars Consultation, which mapped out a Christian Reconstructionism-based vision for evangelical international aid efforts. His Servants The World Congress of Families whose conferences have featured anti-gay rights agitators such as Scott Lively, Judith Reisman, and ex-gay consigliere Don Schmierer of Fieldstead and Co. has been designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-gay hate group. 2013 109,250. Ernest LeFever was president Ronald Reagans first choice, in 1981, for the State Department assistant secretary of human rights but was rejected by the US Senate amid controversy over his stance that abuses of human rights by right wing authoritarian regimes should be addressed via quiet diplomacy; by contrast, LeFever held that the United States should directly confront human rights abuses by communist or socialist regimes. 2011 2,530, The Witherspoon Institute (EIN 55-0835528). The Explosive Power of the New Apostolic Reformation,, Marco Rubio Attends a Radical Anti-Gay Mega-Church With Extreme Beliefs, Anti-Gay Policy, Exorcisms, and Creationism At Marco Rubios Miami Church, Truth Wins Out Commends Former Ex-Gay Leader Randy Thomas For Coming Out As Gay, Truth Wins Out Dismayed By TLC Special Promoting False Ex-Gay Identity, PFOX Humiliated After Billboard Twin Turns Out to be Gay and Not a Twin, Pence, Sessions, Price, Pompeo, Conaway Sponsor Antigay, Anti-Islam, Creationist Bible Study Network, One Half of Freedom 2015 Cosponsors Funded By National Christian Foundation, Investigation Reveals, The Biggest Anti-LGBT Rights Funder In America: Case Study #1 The Alliance Defending Freedom, From U.S. to S. Korea to Africa, Christian Anti-Gay Activism Led By The NAR, Embattled Homophobic President of Burundi Tied To Anti-Gay New Apostolic Reformation. 2011 0 2009 466,914 As stated by President Biden in his February 2021 Memorandum, All human beings should be treated with respect and dignity and should be able to live without fear no matter who they are or whom they love. USAID is committed to advancing the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) people around the world and meaningfully including them in development programming. Such hate speech is frequently dismissed by the American mainstream as fringe, and Pat Robertson characterized by secular media as a merely a crank. Children are to honor their parents. Rutherford Institute 2010 18,000 It mattered, and it was enough. (see: Besides funding from the National Christian Foundation, E&PPC also receives substantial funding from other The Gathering foundations. , The Bible clearly teaches about these abnormalities. Thank you for helping with the medical bills when I almost lost my eyesight. The Becket Fund For Religious Liberty 2012 6,400 2009 5,000 2001 21,000 5. At The Gathering 1997, under the auspices of Howard Ahmansons Fieldstead Institute, Ahmansons private unincorporated funding vehicle, one current and one former (Herb Schlossberg) Fieldstead program director gave a presentation outlining a master strategy for combating organized homosexuality. 2006 235,438 Schmierers Celebrating Gods Design: A Balanced and Biblical Perspective on Todays Toughest Youth Problems, co-written with Lela Gilbert (Promise Publishing, 2002) was endorsed by Jim Burns. 2012 48,000 Robertsons seemingly endless propagation of anti-gay tropes includes suggestions that homosexuality is caused by sexual molestation (see: 2010 750 In September 2009, AIs Africa affiliate Advocates Africa hosted a conference (see:, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at which ADF Senior Vice President Jeffery Ventrella led a plenary session with the title Religious Freedom, the Homosexual Agenda and Advocacy. Neither heterosexual sex outside of marriage nor any homosexual act constitute an alternative lifestyle acceptable to God., The statement also stipulates, I understand that if I am found being involved in a lifestyle that does not conform to the FCAs Sexual Purity Statement I will need to step down from my leadership position with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes., (see: 2009 16,500 All three Janet Museveni, Joshua Lwere, and Alex Mitala have traveled to the Argentina nation transformation conferences of New Apostolic Reformation leader Ed Silvoso, who helped launch what is perhaps the NARs biggest apostolic association, the International Coalition of Apostles. 2008 130,000 2008 225,855 no EIN provided). 2006 37,838 To help operationalize the inclusion of LGBTQI+ people into USAIDs development approach, USAID released the LGBTQI Vision for Action, a document that reflects USAIDs commitment to protect LGBTQI+ people from violence, discrimination, stigma, and criminalization and advance their human rights; and Suggested Approaches for Integrating Inclusive Development Across the Program Cycle and in Mission Operations, a document that identifies ways to include marginalized and vulnerable groups in USAIDs work. The faithful stood much of the time with arms lifted high, palms facing skyward, singing tributes to Jesus Christ. The ACLJ also receives heavy funding from the Alliance Defending Freedom making it, in effect, an extension or subsidiary of ADF. When the scandal of the American use of torture at Iraqs Abu Ghraib prison broke, Weigel unfurled a July 13, 2004 E&PCC op-ed (Abu Ghraib and Just War in Iraq) that argued the American public revulsion at the scandal underscored the underlying morality of the American people as well as the Just War credentials of the American invasion and occupation an enterprise which has led to the devastation of most of the previously affluent, modern, well-educated, and secular nation of Iraq. 2004 0 2010 9,500 2005 1,037,900 20:13, Rom. Thomas, once a practicing Catholic, has been attending Truro, a charismatic Episcopal church, for about a year, The Friday evening ceremony was a jubilant occasion. But in recent years, Sheldon has diversified, ramping up his assaults on church-state separation, public education and the federal judiciary.. In a taped lecture series on Spiritual Warfare, Tom Tarrants reveals that the Devil and evil spirits carry on a relentless battle behind the scenes to affect world events. Lecturer Beth Whitnah averts that Satan is behind the pollution of the whole entertainment industry., Charismatics are instructed to heed orders. Jack Klenk serves on the UCUP board of directors. relationship more powerful than poverty changing their life and yours! Compassion International also pairs each child with one sponsor. Christian Anti-Communism Crusade Fosters ministry has produced lines of his ex-gay speaker videos that have been over-dubbed for speakers of Russian, Bulgarian, Japanese, Farsi, Spanish, French, and German. U.S. to Question India About Ban on Christian Charity 2008 166,366 2010 5,100 ( 2010 55,800 2009 100,000 The First Baptist Church runs a branch of the addiction recovery program Celebrate Recovery (launched by Rick Warrens Saddleback Church) that promotes a version of reparative therapy. 2012 313,100 (Bethel Church, no EIN provided) Disciple Nations Alliance teaches Biblical Worldview principles outlined in DNA leader Darrow Millers book (co-authored with Stan Guthrie) Discipling Nations: The Power of Truth To Transform Cultures (1998, Youth With a Mission Publishing). 2008 5,200 Evangelism Explosion 2013 25,300, (EIN 64-0607275 note: the AFA has also received substantial funding from The Gathering attendee Ken Eldred, through his Living Stones Charitable Trust [EIN 52-7038921] which from 2009 to 2011 gave the American Family Association $800,000), The American Family Association is headed by the Rev. The work of Christian relief and development, therefore, must involve spiritual In That None Should Perish, Silvoso describes how his revolutionary technique of prayer evangelism can drive from even the darkest satanic redoubts the forces of evil: Let us choose what could well be the darkest spiritual place in America: the San Francsico Bay Area. As UK academics Gregory Deacon and Gabriel Lynch describe in their monograph Allowing Satan in? The Liberty Institute 2008 10,300 2009 19,500 I continued, however, to struggle with denial and a growing temptation to drink (see: ), 2008 3,000 patterns of culture. 2008 154,750 2010 2,450 2013 451,740, Christian Film and Television Commission (EIN 13-2961538). 2012 0 2007 5,350 (Bethel Church no EIN provided) Association of Christian Schools International A sponsor's $38 a month connects a child living in poverty with a loving, church-based program, medical checkups, nutritious food, health and hygiene training, educational assistance, access to special services like surgeries or disaster relief, mentoring, and the opportunity to hear about Jesus. 2012 247,299, The Family Foundation of Virginia (EIN 52-1425355), 2008 1,300 Lets look at Leviticus 18:22. Ware is co-author, with Young Earth creationist Ken Ham, of the 2007 book Darwins Plantation: Evolutions Racist Roots which on page 168 states, The homosexual agenda is extending its tentacles throughout the United States culture via media, entertainment, education, and the political system.. Enlist our congregations to get involved in the political process, 2001 1,000 2005 0 2010 34,350 2006 2,400 Ranked No. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission office in Milwaukee arguing that he was terminated May 5 because of his religious beliefs. 2009 500 I was told that homosexuality was a demon that needed to be cast out of my life. Frontline Fellowship 2004 15,000 The ex-gay ministry His Servants is run by Don Schmierer, a Program Director For Howard Ahmansons Fieldstead & Company from 1992-2011 (and maybe even more recently). The Family Foundation of Virginia

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