what is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture?the elements of jewelry readworks answer key pdf

The plan also includes standards for the type of buildings that can be used in a particular area (for example, single-family dwelling, apartment, warehouse). A Modern Enterprise Architecture Approach Chapter 1 The Enterprise Architecture (EA) discipline in Information Technology (IT) defines a macro level IT architecture at the enterprise level. EA is a management engineering discipline presenting a comprehensive view of the enterprise, including strategic planning, organizational development, relationship management, business process improvement . Use strategic agility. This is in part a follow-on to the post 'What do we need from our EA tools? Enterprise architecture. It turns out that Enterprise Architects themselves often struggle to find the best way to communicate what they do and why its so important (let alone how Enterprise Architecture is maturing and what theyre looking to be able to provide in the very near futurebut one step at a time). An analogy is comparable to metaphor and simile in that it shows how two different things are similar, but it's a bit more complex. a. If you Google What is Enterprise Architecture? youll finda lot. Which of the following is not typically an outcome of an enterprise architecture program? Fastest, most resilient and secure authoritative DNS. Week_1_3_for_quiz.docx (1).pdf - TESTS FOR LECTURE 1 A problem architects face (even within the team) is the level of abstraction that is inherent to architecture. Which statement below provides the best guidance for adopting best practices? Enterprise Architecture: Frameworks, Goals and Benefits Again that doesn't quite gel with the problems that I face. Minimize disruption and delays on your Cloud Migration journey. d. All of the Above. Technology - large growth in data throughput How to Explain What Enterprise Architecture Is to Non-EAs A documentation product, such as a text document, system specification, application interface information, diagram, spreadsheet, briefing slides, and/or video clip. Each structure comprises software elements, relations among them, and properties of both elements and relations. The only way to know where you have to go is by knowing where you are. endobj The purpose of enterprise architecture is to determine how an organization can most effectively achieve the current and future objectives of its business goals. Which of the following most accurately describes the perspectives of CEO and CIO with respect to Enterprise Architecture? COMOSA. . endobj In order to achieve enterprise architecture program success some key enterprise architect best practices outlined by Gartner Research include: Charter the EA program. Standards identify an organization's preferred means of creating and managing all components and related processes for IT organizations. Yeah, this wasnt going to be easy. 2. The enterprise architecture framework. cars for sale in atlanta under $2,000. What Is A Metaphor? Definition and Examples | Grammarly A driver is an input into the process of deriving the required capabilities of the enterprise from a strategic, business or technical perspective. People want to know how to reduce costs by investing in technology. The approved building-materials list for the enterprise architecture is the "formally approved hardware and software products, configurations, data, information, and processes used to guide the engineering of information technology solutions for a given enterprise." In this enterprise architecture definition, a business is able to design IT projects and enact policies meant to help the business reach its goals. Service-oriented architecture and enterprise architecture are conflicting concepts. Design Metaphor - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics Pe0ple wanting to know how to maximise the return on investment of the technology they have purchased. Then, when it comes to us, as enterprise architects, we are frustrated because the metaphor is too restrictive. Once you get to where you need to be, check back to see if theres a noticeable difference. The most important part of . - Marketing/Sales Process Often, they are eager to learn as much as they can but, like many others stepping into this world for the first time, they sometimes find they are looking for a simpler to explain the, Many ask this very question. Having said that, metaphors are an important part of communication, and we will do well to use them wisely especially to communicate the unfamiliar to people and enterprise architecture is very unfamiliar to many, especially grandmothers! Agility helps. 2. Consider the use of the following aids when designing . Select a Framework 4. Which sleep pattern benefits spatial and declarative memory? ZACHMAN b. Zachman Enterprise Architecture Framework in a Nutshell - Visual Paradigm Story. Then I gave few example of what wrote in your article. Translating the META Group architecture model to the city-planning approach, the common requirements vision becomes the city vision, the conceptual architecture principles become the building code, and the future-state models become the city plan. - Portfolio Management and Investment Decision-Making This means they have more responsibilities than solutions architects. By 2007, 40 percent of enterprise architects will have primary expertise in business strategy or process engineering. are bombas socks ethically made; difference between cybex sirona s and z List the six value areas for Enterprise Architecture: Identify three areas of potential risk for EA programs: Change the strategic or tactical direction. Copyright 2023 IDG Communications, Inc. The advantage of the city-planning metaphor is that it represents processes and deliverables that are broadly understood, enabling communication that leverages common knowledge while avoiding introduction of entirely new concepts. Which of the following best describes the concept of a driver as it was used in the course? The advantage of the city-planning metaphor is that it represents processes and deliverables that are broadly understood, enabling communication that leverages common knowledge while avoiding introduction of entirely new concepts. That means everything from the companys computers, apps, and equipment to their office space, desks, company merch, and the kitchen sink. s& $DHi9! Currently, 20 percent of companies issue "building permits" as part of the architecture review process. In fact I could write another post about the tyranny of metaphors. Avoiding the Standard Metaphors for Enterprise Architecture, How to Explain Enterprise Architecture to Your Grandmother. endobj I explained my post and idea to my partner, and she said: no youre not like an investment banker or financial adviser because they have bad reputations exactly the sort of missing the point/distraction reaction you can get with a metaphor. Abstract. what is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture? As soon as we set off, I turned to them and asked, So guys, who here knows what Enterprise Architecture is?. Lords Mobile Lingo, Luckily, we have an example from a fellow Ardoqian who was put to the test one social weekend with friends: I was presented with a perfect opportunity to test my way of trying to explain what Enterprise Architecture is: A six-hour road trip to a mountainous ski resort with a bunch of my very non-EA friends. A metaphor is a figure of speech that uses one thing to mean another and makes a comparison between the two. Enterprise architect (EA) is one of the most senior positions in the IT department. a. Using metaphors to explain something to laymen seem logical but will a grandmother know what an investment banker or a city planner is really doing? endstream The aesthetics of architecture, by itself, spans traditional issues mooted in philosophy of art, as . a. (B). % Chapter 3 is devoted to service-oriented architecture, an architectural style that separates services (providing the system functionality) from consumers (using the system . b. Technology level - consists of Data & Information, Systems & Applications and Networks & Infrastructure. Develop (and execute) a decision and communications plan. This dictionary is regularly updated with evidence from one of the world's largest lexical research programmes, and features over 350,000 words and phrases. endobj Architects provide businesses with a roadmap for making this change happen, but they also show them exactly how much better they will operate afterward. b. A city planner sets building codes and plans common services such as roads and water. A traditional metaphor for IT projects. Enterprise architecture (EA) is a business function concerned with the structures and behaviors of a business, especially business roles and processes that create and use business data. A word processing tool 1. The derivation and enforcement of technical standards. - Strategic Initiatives Not only did we get to the resort in record time (less than the usual six hours), but it was a pretty smooth ride with plenty of legroom. how many times is the word remember in the bible - Databases There are other traditional metaphors for enterprise architecture - the most standard would be a building architect (or "real architect"). Examples include strategic goals and measures; business processes; information flows and data objects; information systems, web services, and software applications; voice/data/video networks, and associated cable plants. But I noticed that using the metaphor distracted a part of the audience and myself. Avoiding the Standard Metaphors for Enterprise Architecture The main objective of this approach is to achieve the qualities of reuse and modifiability. It equates those two things not because they actually are the same, but for the sake of comparison or symbolism. By knowing where you are and how youre doing, youll get an idea of where you should be and what you should do to get there. By knowing where you are and how youre doing, youll get an idea of where you should be and what you should do to get there. (C). Enterprise architecture - Wikipedia It may involve the manufacture of certain products, the provision of services, or internal administrative functions. Companies that have used this city-planning approach have had success in establishing the value of architecture by providing a communication mechanism (and metaphor) that is easily understood by architecture stakeholders. What is an enterprise architect and what do they do? | MuleSoft Level 3 1. 2. c. EA is simply the sum of various parts, including such practices as business process improvement, scenario planning, security and portfolio management. What are the four areas in the security solutions description? Abou Bakr El Kadiri, Sidi Marouf, Casablanca-Maroc. At the start of our trip, we took our car to a garage for a maintenance check. Defining the term "Business Architecture" | BAInstitute.org Enterprise architecture in the agile era: Less policing, more coaching, 11 lies CIOs will tell themselves in 2022, AAMC proves the power of a formal DEI strategy. If the nomenclature of architecture inhibits understanding and support, more useful terms should be applied. Based on research into performance requirements, an IA will create blueprints detailing the scale, structure, content, and functionality for the system under development (in terms of information delivery). Architecture functions are typically embodied as planning subunits of IT departments 3. Practical Guide to EA Development You are here for Management theory eTOM for Enterprise Architecture. 5 0 obj In particular, companies are focusing on "building codes" that define the principles and guidelines for architecture and on "building permits" that are granted to change initiatives that have been deemed compliant through the architecture review process. These sources include, among others, a pretty well-known article of Roger Sessions presenting four leading EA frameworks, Zachman, TOGAF, FEA and Gartner, whose influence can be noticed even in the latest industry publications, as well as a rather famous book 'How to Survive in the Jungle of Enterprise Architecture Frameworks' discussing 14 EA Federal Segment Architecture Methodology FSAM It contains good advice: it is a useful exercise to think-out an explanation that doesnt rely on specialized terms especially when you are thinking about what you do for a living! Again that doesnt quite gel with the problems that I face. Hello world! <> Enterprise Architecture or City Planning? | ZDNET 3. We build systems. These things will allow the EAs to adapt to sudden changes while staying focused on the main objective. Select a Tool and Repository 5. In communities, each single-family dwelling may have some variations, but they all comply with the broader definitions of single-family home, which is similar to IT, where there are many types of systems that support different business functions (for example, HR, finance, sales) but each of these systems can be classified as a transaction-oriented system - and may employ the same type of "technology building blocks" in their construction. False The starting point for our road trip is where our company is now (in terms of size, profits and so on). There is architecture in and across every stack, layer, pillar, platform, and data set. Remember he is not an EA architect and that he does not want to be. Using the house metaphor for enterprise data management provides another way to think of MDM. Architecture programs occasionally will fail due to lack of understanding and support. The building code specifies the building standards that are important for the community, breaking them down into different areas (for example, fire code, electrical code, plumbing code). For full access to the video presentation - please fill out the form carefully so we can validate your email. The Enterprise Architecture The Zachman Framework The Enterprise Architecture Cycle Maintaining an Enterprise Archi-tecture How to Create an Enterprise Archiecture 1. terprise Architecture (GEA) by proposing the GEA high-level object model for the overall governance system. The EA "should have demonstrated experience working with executives to understand what's important to running the business," observes Anand Bahl, CIO, CVP, of chipmaker Micron Technology. The set of tests on enterprise architecture by Svyatoslav Kotusev (kotusev@kotusev.com) SK Based on the book The Practice of Enterprise Architecture: A Modern Approach to Business and IT Alignment #2 Question 1: What is the most appropriate metaphor for enterprise architecture? Architecture repository 6. Begin Using the Enterprise . The Enterprise Architecture team may already have identified architectural patterns, or created a Reference Architecture, to be used by the organization. Brian Burke (CIO) 10 May, 2004 14:11 print email A fundamental problem for many architecture programs is poor understanding of the basics (for example, "What is architecture, and why are we doing this?"). e. None of the Above Which of the following is typically not included in the EA Management Plan? Technical Article. You will then receive a link with the full video in an email. Defining Enterprise Architecture Bina Ramamurthy ; 2. the building construction metaphor doesn't work because those who often use it try to pigeon hole a building architect into some simple one-size-fits-all . What are the three broad areas of governance discussed in the course? So metaphors helped me to generate a lot of feedback and helped me to generate a lot of prototypes in a very short time. 10 0 obj Log in to the partner portal for all assets and sales enablement tools. Automation, streamlining, flexibility, workflow driven applications are some of the features we will focus on. If it detects packet loss, it re-sends the missing packets. This paper explores the perceived benefits and factors driving a major enterprise architecture (EA) development project. This article is my effort to elaborate Alan's observation using a "Chemistry Metaphor". Often, they are eager to learn as much as they can but, like many others stepping into this world for the first time, they sometimes find they are looking for a simpler to explain the what, how, and most importantly, why of this role. A, Av. Copyright 2004 IDG Communications, Inc. Begin Using the Enterprise . Pingback: Are traditional enterprise architecture metaphors valid? Business level - use Products & Services

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