godfather 2 italian translationis cary stayner still alive

Thank you so much; it was wonderful talking with you. off his vest. The same one that With Al Pacino, Robert Duvall, Diane Keaton, Robert De Niro. PENTANGELI and Two million dollars in the seat next to me in the plane? In the hopes of clearing my family name -- and in the sincere desire to give my children the fare share of the my constituents have been of Italian decent -- and I have come to know them well. Very, very scared they botched it. CUT TO: CUBANS yelling and dancing in the street. bab.la . CUT TO: A courtyard. HIS FATHER WAS MURDERED FOR AN INSULT TO THE LOCAL MAFIA CHIEFTAIN. They tell me CUT TO: MICHAEL pulls a chair up close to MAMA. I'm a retired investor on a pension. It's not impossible. No -- uh -- no -- we called it the Corleone family SENATOR -- we called it the family. Says he's been to nice to everybody. Thinking of my mother. CUT TO: MICHAEL at a photo session accepting a plaque. godfather in Italian - English-Italian Dictionary | Glosbe I came here because there is gonna be more blood shed. CLEMENZA walks to the CUT TO: The Presidential Palace. [We see OFFICERS making an arrest of a rebel.]. He lives on Forth Street, near here. And your drinkin' - uh, what's he drinkin'? Senator Questadt: Will he come forward and be sworn, sir? TheGodfatherTrilogy.com, This is for educational use only, and is not to be reposted, reproduced or sold. Michael: I understand those things. family. Fifty bucks, Pat. [Young VITO and his mother run over to PAOLO's body, in a prone position on the rocky ground], [She begins to cry. you tell him that marriage is out of the question, and you don't want For once in You've got balls, young man! You know I've got three daughters. CUT TO: Inside an Army Barrack PENTANGELI sits on a couch. CLEMENZA, GENCO ,and HYMAN ROTHSTEIN walk out to the sign. but your family should interfere no longer.." (rough translation by Jim Coyle)] [Michael doesn't pay attention to Sollozzo -- he's under too much mental anguish. The Godfather: Part II | Plot, Cast, Oscars, & Facts | Britannica CUT TO: The old woman who kissed SONNY opens a package. Alive -- PENTANGELI is alive. I was kept pretty much in the dark. The casino you're interested in -- the Edit: even just English subs for the Italian parts only is fine. godfather. car. All she has id her neighborhood. Transcribed for TheGodfatherTrilogy.com Ahh, Ahh woo! But wha' -- what's with him? Frank Pentangeli: Cicc', a porta! - Quotes.net CUT TO: Outside VITO walks down the street. questions. You've got to see her. But in actuality you were a member of the Corleone crime organization. And also, to If you need anything, Mike, I'll be outside, alright? And this cute little thing over here -- this is my sister CONNIE. Ask me another time! CUT TO: CUBANS jumping in front of the car. But if they could get a little help -- A BUTTONMAN reading a newspaper turns CUT TO: Watchman on roof lights a cigarette. Why do you hurt me MICHAEL -- I've always been loyal to you -- I mean what is this. SENATOR! KAY why don't you take the kids back to their room. CUT TO: Outside, nighttime. Now, why don't you stay with us - with the family. The high court in Israel turned down his request to live there as a return Jew. [After he leaves VITO rubs his cheek in disgust]. We sent him on a wild goose chase -- Christmas shopping. never speaks. Young man, I hear you and your friends are steeling goods. I am trusting you with the lives of my wife and my children -- the future of this family. This committee owes an apology, this committee owes an apology -- an apology Croatian: krsni kum. Watch out or I'll kick your Sicilian ass right into the Just my enemies.. 26. DOCTORS, and ROTH on the bed. [He hangs up the phone and sits up in bed.]. ROCCO runs.]. DISSOLVE TO: VITO standing in the street. Mike that's impossible -- they'll turn him over to the Internal Revenue, customs, and half the FBI. CUT TO: The airport HYMAN ROTH is walking surrounded by police men and news reporters. Mr. CICCI, from the year 1942 to the present time -- you were an employ of the GENCO Olive Oil Why should we give him the money we ], [He reaches into his coat and pulls out a small lever. guest2 Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:18 pm GMT. Holy Mary -- MOTHER of God -- pray for us sinners --, [MICHAEL is looking out at them. That's my brother. CUT TO: CUBANS running in excitement; one is on a lamp post. Messina and Taormina City Tour from Messina - Private tour. PENTANGELI ROTH well he -- he played this one beautifully. GENCO smiles. I'm short on money right now. MICHAEL (screaming) CUT TO: VITO walking against the flow of the people. In the story of severed horse heads and stolen cannolis, Francis Ford Coppola's "The Godfather" is actually based on a book of the same name . Was it a boy! Caption in 1947 and with him a man named Virgil Sollozzo. DISSOLVE TO: "The Moshulu" entering New York Harbor, passing in front of the Statue of Liberty. I'll reason with him. Another shot of VITO looking down. TOM her to leave. Frankie -- when a plot against the Emperor failed -- the planners were always given a chance to say uh, uh, can o' peas my ass, that's a Ritz cracker and chopped liver! Answer: Sonny. If they don't pay FANUCCI, they pay somebody else who collects for Maranzalla! I wish to have the following noted for the record. CONNIE -- if you don't listen to me -- and marry this man -- you'll disappoint me. I know what's the matter with you - you're just jealous because he's a real man. For years now a growing number of the present day -- Italian-Americans have been pioneers in building and defending our great nation. I've already made my move. If I were to ask them to leave, it would be an insult. Of course if I'm wrong about I understood he was commin'? Bandstand, music play. You see -- all our people are business men, their loyalty is based on that. What's kept Mr. ROTH? So let her stay. The Godfather: Part II Trivia Questions & Answers | Page 3 share person; outlined_flag arrow . cash with the Teamsters on a dollar for dollar basis -- has relaxed restrictions on imports. He MICHAEL walks over to his brother and hugs him. I know it was you, FREDO -- you broke my heart -- you broke my heart! I didn't believe him -- but seein' is believin', Sit down, make yourself comfortable. -- Regional Vice President of the Pan-American Mining Corporation. We come to a shot of New York with the Text Over reading: NEW YORK CITY, 1979. My respects, DON CICCIO. And then you worry about waiting on line to see your brother -- like you didn't give it to them. I challenge this committee -- to produce any witness or evidence against. They turned him down. to friends. Now on that basis, anything's possible. I loved him -- and trusted him. [CICCI walks off and CARMINE ROSATO gives PENTANGELI something.]. CUT TO: VITO pointing to someone that he wants SONNY to see. Can this be correct? Did he use an alias that was known in certain circles as -- Godfather. SIGNOR ROBERTO is getting his hair cut. The man behind him is also frisked. CONNIE looks over at the kids.]. Come on -- I saw this -- I saw this thing nineteen times. DISSOLVE TO: 1941 the Corleone family is sitting at the table in the kitchen. CUT TO: FANUCCI watching a puppet show. CUT TO: The lakefront of Havana. Looks like they were hired out of New York, I don't recognize them. BODYGUARD into the room were ROTH is. CUT TO: VITO's house; CLEMENZA and TESSIO are sitting at the dinner table. MICHAEL walks up to him. As they enter the room, MICHAEL's BODYGUARD walks Mike, I almost died myself -- we was all so relieved -- [MICHAEL sees what is about to happen and begins to leave.]. Uh, Mr. CHAIRMAN -- I would like to verify the witness's statement. Now, my sources tell me that -- you plan to make a move against the Tropicalla. out to the University, and it is a magnificent endowment in the name of - uh, ANTHONY VITO Corleone -- Are you open or closed? CUT TO: VITO and his family stand on stairs by a courtyard.. CUT TO: The Corleone family greeting people on the steeps. piece for some friends in Nevada, to make sure things go smooth back home. It's okay. The Sevilla Biltmore, also, but Eddie Levine of Newport will bring in the Pennino CUT TO: FANUCCI walks up to his apartment door. over at the BODYGUARD. Tomorrow you both go talk to FANUCCI. CUT TO: DON CICCIO puts down his glass and looks at VITO and his MOTHER. He'll be back tomorrow. frankly to you -- maybe -- more frankly than anyone in my position's ever spoke to you before. What's the matter? chevron_left. CUT TO: FREDO and JOHNNY OLA and others get off the boat and onto the dock. EVERYONE stands. Just enough to wet my beak. FREDO stands up. What is your name? Italian-Americans. CUT TO: People on the street. I went to Israel to live there as a Jew in the twilight of my life. That you're a reasonable man. The Godfather Part II is a 1974 American epic crime film produced and directed by Francis Ford Coppola.The film is partially based on the 1969 novel The Godfather by Mario Puzo, who co-wrote the screenplay with Coppola, and it is both a sequel and a prequel to the 1972 film The Godfather, presenting parallel dramas: one picks up the 1958 story of Michael Corleone (), the new Don of the . THE GODFATHER PART II Is there anything you can help me out with. MICHAEL -- FREDO's in the house with MAMA. It ain't the way I wanted it! +1,would love it to buy it on Steam. Because I intend to squeeze you. They risk, they risk their lives for their country. No, MICHAEL wants to take him to Reno now. shake hands. What really happened with PENTANGELI MICHAEL? more. The people in the room are MICHAEL, Did you serve CUT TO: MICHAEL inside the car; he continues to look around. [On stage, two women in black drag a girl out on stage and tie her to a pole. ( or ) Forget about it. We'll go There is dialogue spoken in Sicilian (according to the script) that does not have English subtitles. CUT TO: Outside a gun battle rages in the street. Now I forgive you -- can't here on the estate with your kids. game? Send FREDO to pick somebody up at the airport! Why don't you take care of JOHNNY's men -- they look like they might be hungry. Viaggia con Max (Messina): All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go CUT TO: MICHAEL walking into the boat house. He's been waiting a half hour. I um -- wanted to explain this but I had business in Carlton City. The Corleone family has done very well here in Nevada. An officer walks into the door to see MICHAEL's BODYGUARD holding a pillow Unless they went home and uh, killed themselves -- then nothing happened. The family is set in America and has ties in the mafia world. That a boy. . Now, here I am, in America, in New York. We should have expected it after the Oil embargo. Japanese . She's a poor widow, she has nobody to take care of her. English subtitles for The Godfather (1972) but with the italian ROTH were in on a -- a -- big deal together. NERI shuts the door as MICHAEL rubs his eyes. I know that. His name is Vincenzo Pentangeli. FREDO, come with me - FREDO! MICHAEL I hated you -- for so many years. Actress | The Godfather Part III Sofia Coppola was born on May 14, 1971 in New York City, New York, USA as Sofia Carmina Coppola. This is Al Pacino's best performance and quite possibly it might be the best performance.The Godfather is a film about Michael being drawn into a world he doesn't originally want to be part of and this is perhaps the defining scene in that story.Michael is a war hero and his brother Sonny earlier says how killing someone up close is . [A car roars by. Sometimes I think I shoulda married a woman like you did -- like KAY. Says the neighborhood's getting sloppy. Hungarian keresztapa. Now he'll understand, believe me. who gave the order -- because it had nothing to do with business! He'll hide out in the Bronx! Is it a deal? Oh! FRANK PENTANGELI came to my home and he asked my permission to get rid of the Rosato brothers. CUT TO: FANUCCI glances over at the loosened light and taps on it a few times then he screws it in. All because they're A kid tries to lure a man into a club. I always wanted to thought of as a brother by you, Mikey -- a real brother. covers his face with his hand. Let FREDO to take care of some Mickey Mouse night club somewhere! Godfather (1, 2, and 3) and Italian | Antimoon Forum ONLY MALE HEIR, TO STAND WITH HIS MOTHER AT THE FUNERAL. I don't like the C-note Rosato -- I take that as an insult, [TONY ROSATO comes up from behind and begins to garrote PENTANGELI. CLEMENZA and VITO carry the rug up the stairs. I want all of you to enjoy your Come on, just for a minute. Try and sleep. Mio cognato reagir di sicuro! Had a stroke but he recovered okay. [He opens the door to see MICHAEL looking out the window. I can't move. I told her that I'd talk to you. Is the godfather a true story? alright. CUT TO: Outside view of the train we see MICHAEL taking pills for his Diabetes. PENTANGELI set up a meeting with the Rosato brothers -- says he's gonna go for their deal. Ladies and Gentlemen a most distinguished guest would like to say a few words. Arabic: . Now I want to run my family without you on my back, and I want those Rosato [Priest prays while giving out eucharist. KAY, I didn't know you were out here. You must understand that I am a man of honor. For me, there's only my wife and son. WAITER! Stupid -- people behaving like that with guns Important thing is, that you're Hey Frankie -- come on out let's play some hearts. Il compadre is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "the godfather."Specifically, the masculine definite article il means "the." These are wonderful things that we've to deny that I am a criminal. ], [VITO looks out the window, then goes into the bathroom. Borzage, 1928, through The Godfather, Part II, Francis Ford . [DON CICCIO inspects the GENCO can that TOMMASINO gave him.]. I already rented it! CUT TO: The hospital. 202 min. I know -- that's why I don't want them touched. Ask your friends in the neighborhood about me. Champaign, Uh, Champaign Cocktails -- and you're passing judgment on how I run my Family. Everyone including the wheelchair bound Don TOMMASINO. MAMA CORLEONE is lying in a coffin. WILLIE CICCI is sitting smoking. Frankie -- you were always interested in politics -- and history. Where's MICHAEL? YEEEESS!! What I am saying Sign below if you want the game back, just to see what happens. You'll pay me today! However it will leave with CUT TO: VITO looking at FANUCCI unlock his door. Next to him is his lawyer. I don't feel I have to wipe everybody out, Tom. male godparent A godfather is a man who promises to help bring up a child in the Christian faith. Now they didn't know it was Pop's birthday. And you give your loyalty to a Jew before your own blood. could be possible. And if it do not -- I hope they Your father did business with HYMAN ROTH, your father respected HYMAN ROTH. Good to see you, Mike. CUT TO: More CUBANS throwing objects into the streets. [MICHAEL stands up and shuts the door; moves the chairs closer as ROTH turns up the TV.]. Mister -- Corleone. CUT TO: Inside the Caf. You own, or, you control, two major hotels in VITO follows him, holding up the wrapped gun. That's He passes a mini-playground in the Nothing's impossible. TOM The Movies of Michael Curtiz. CAMERA pans left along counter. CLEMENZA promised the Rosato brothers three territories in the Bronx after he died. gaming license, which I would appreciate if you would put up personally. open the door. The Godfather . [VITO removes his coat and sits down and kisses his wife.]. CUT TO: The compound CONNIE walks into the door. He was being strong -- strong for his was a son MICHAEL, a son and I had it killed -- .because this must all end. Oh, oh MICHAEL. It's true -- that's the secret. CUT TO. And where is he now. SIGNORA COLOMBO, why did you come to see me? I have not taken refuge behind the 5th amendment as it was my right to proceedings in order to preside over a very important committee of my own committee. Now can't you give me a straight answer anymore! ABBANDANDO paces around. I want to get out of here! I don't know -- and I can't understand -- why I can't remember. CUT TO: PENTANGELI looks at the man behind MICHAEL. VITO shuts the door to the bathroom. Your kindness to that widow made me ashamed of myself. CUT TO: A doctor inspects VITO's chest with a stethoscope. You know my lawyer, TOM HAGEN -- JOHNNY OLA. Being someone's Godfather was a great honor in Sicilian culture, and he was expected to help in the upbringing of the baptized child, almost like a third parent. TOMMASINO is showing things to Terrible -- I'd give four million just to be able to take a piss without it hurting. I can't see him so good. If what I think has happened has happened, be better for the boy, and better for you! FREDO walks out of the Dance Hall. Does the godfather have subtitles? Explained by Sharing Culture MICHAEL listening carefully and nodding every so often. ], [CLEMENZA walks over and puts his arm around VITO. The Godfather Part II (1974) - IMDb The Godfather Part II Transcript - J Geoff [MICHAEL turns and signals to his BODYGUARD then turns back. NERI comes to him with a wet towel.]. committee to recommend a count of perjury against MICHAEL Corleone. Now you don't understand but, uh, your father has big plans for you. How to say "Godfather" in Italian and 18 more useful words. and close the deal fast -- it'd be good for the family. Second draft. [Once again JOHNNY OLA and ROTH exchange glances. CUT TO: MICHAEL, TOM, and NERI walk down a path. OLD. What do you mean expect it -- expect it or not they have no right dropping bombs. Because I can state from my own knowledge and experience -- that Italian-Americans are among you can have everything you want. animal. kisses. And you were loyal to my father for years. MICHAEL's car passes by. ], VITO -- I've got some bad news. Holy Mary! This is my neighborhood. watches them.]. CUT TO: VITO jumps from one roof to another. Someone is saying something to him. inside. CUT TO: People hugging and waving hats in the air. and looks at them. I can handle things I'm smart -- not like everyone says -- not dumb, smart and I want respect! CUT TO: The guards around PENTANGELI's room. The Godfather Part II subtitles English | 48 subtitles American way of life, without a blemish on their name and background -- I have appeared before this But you don't even send a dress to my The English translation is ""She's very beautiful. I sent the car out to the airport last week to pick you up! Translation. York. people. WILLIE CICCI walk up to CARMINE ROSATO. At the time of my retirement -- or CUT TO: Outside on the street Peter CLEMENZA walks up to VITO. The Godfather, Part III - Transcript Hey, SONNY what you doin' -- don't make a fight. FREDO and DEANNA are sleeping. godfather | translate English to Italian: Cambridge Dictionary GENCO starts to walk over and help him.]. They break the windows, the dirty the floors --. Mikey, after three and an half months -- CUT TO: TOM looking out at FREDO and ANTHONY. We call him JOE Collars, you know what I jacket.]. CUT TO: The streets of Corleone at night. TOM --. You gonna come along with me in He says something in Italian. CUT TO: FANUCCI watching the statue pass him. The two million never got to the island. CUT TO: Outside the Capri, a car that is driving FREDO from the airport pulls up. command with him. MICHAEL sits down in the boat house]. This is my brother FREDO -- oh you know FREDO sure don't you. But your father, his thinking is old-fashioned. the door. Briton. You heard what happened in my home? To his company in America -- GENCO Olive Oil Company. Wha'? Mr. PENTANGELI you are contradicting a sworn statement that you previously made to me and signed. perjury. God bless America. Americans. English translation of lyrics for Parla pi piano (Love Theme from "The Godfather") by The Speakeasies' Swing Band!. Violent Streets: The Umberto Lenzi / Tomas Milian Collection Blu-ray You're my kid brother and you take care of me. JOHNNY OLA told me about this place. Now can't you give me a straight answer anymore! The little guys -- they got knocked off and all their estates went to the for his partners. Don Corleone. Please, MICHAEL, please stay inside. The Feast of San Gennaro (in Italian: Festa di San Gennaro), also known as San Gennaro Festival, is a Neapolitan and Italian-American patronal festival dedicated to Saint Januarius, patron saint of Naples and Little Italy, New York.. His feast is celebrated on 19 September in the calendar of the Catholic Church.. I want you to show them a good time in Havana. In my home. You were around the old timers -- and meeting up on how the family should be organized. VITO walks up to him. They'd already had him on possession, bookmaking, murder 1, and a lot CUT TO: ROBERTO exiting the barber shop. AU$392.64. I know two bookies who don't give anything to FANUCCI. The Corleone's walk through it. It's actually really terrible. safety. CUT TO: A man on the street flings a torch around as many people watch. I'm very pleased you were all able to come from such distances to be with me today. I'm your older brother Mike and I was stepped over! CUT TO: The Corleone family sitting on the steps in front of their apartment. What is the Italian dialogue in The Godfather? -- someone between you and your possible superiors, who gave the actual order? I remember you calling about Hitler back in Then he turns Sollozzo: "What happened to your father was business. He can hear FANUCCI walking up. house. People who have worked on this game have also collaborated on the creation of the following games: Dead Space 2, a group of 144 people. People are walking along the street as cars pass by them. Russian . TRAIN STATION AT CORLEONE - DAY] [Vitone and his young family: Mama, Santino, Fredo and the baby Michael are met at the small station in Sicily by friends, and Mama's relatives. And they [FANUCCI pats ABBANDANDO on the cheek in gratitude. [PENTANGELI throws the que on the pool table.]. During Prohibition -- we ran molasses into Canada -- made a fortune -- you father, too. Now why would I ever consider paying more than that? Now, if HYMAN ROTH sees that I The Godfather (Film) - The Godfather Wedding Scene | Genius CUT TO: The car driving through the gate and it being shot behind them. The Godfather Part 2 1974 - Full Movie 1080p. we've put in Vegas -- and we can thank our friends in the Cuban government -- which has put up half of the Nobody gets near you -- you're not goin' And that there was something in it for me if I'd help 'em out. He's in the den. Because from the time of the great Christopher Columbus up through the time of Enrico Fermi right up to They're lying there dead! CUT TO: VITO wrapping the gun in the towel. Could you expand on your answer -- I'm particularly interested in knowing -- uh -- was there always a buffer Someone put a bullet through his eye. PRESIDENT.]. [SONNY punches MICHAEL and begins to get in a fight.]. Here is the English translation of the Italian dialogues between Michael and Sollozzo. That's my business. How was Robert De Niro's Italian or Sicilian in The Godfather Part II? DON CICCIO -- we'd like your blessing, and your permission to start work. -- for the United Telephone and Telegraph Company. Uh, what I wouldn't give for -- twenty more years. Hail Mary I caught a fish. You don't have to remember -- just do as I say. And Cicc', a mother I want to know a day in advance, so I won't be there -- you understand. Now SENATOR, this is you and Mrs. Corleone. Italian English. You're god damn right that's Pop talking. I wouldn't want it to get around that you held back the money because you had second thoughts about the CUT TO: PENTANGELI seems to be in a trance. Puzo also wrote the screenplay for the movie. MICHAEL walks off.]. DON CICCIO you killed my husband because he wouldn't give into you. Okay over there. How to Say Godfather in Italian Categories: Family and Relationships Religion If you want to know how to say godfather in Italian, you will find the translation here. DISSOLVE TO: Young VITO Corleone, distressed, as he looks over a crying baby. CUT TO: HYMAN ROTH's room in the Capri. <We open with shots of the Lake Tahoe estate - apparently the Corleone's have left and everything is deteriorating. Hey, Mike, they spit right in my face. VITO Corleone. [ROBERTO says something in Italian as VITO walks off.]. Capide? Your country's not your blood -- you remember that. From now on you deal with Turnbull. The cake has a drawing of Cuba on it. "Hey, hey, hey, take me to America, G.I.! Don't worry - this little boy can't do a thing to you. CUT TO: MICHAEL's car passes by a bus full of tourists. Well, it was a little car with an electric motor that he can ride in -- it's nice. What a misunderstanding! He's old fashion. I mean Pop had to pull a lot of strings to get you a ], [MICHAEL doesn't answer instead he pats FREDO on the cheek.]. CUT TO: The leaves blowing by the compound. CUT TO: A long shot of the family having dinner. stares at KAY for a little while then shuts the door. your father. MRS. ROTH walks into view. silverware. CUT TO: MICHAEL walks into his office and places his briefcase on the desk. [He takes off his coat and scarf, and brushes back his hair.]. FREDO and MICHAEL's BODYGUARD. It was between the brothers KAY -- I had nothing to do with it. We see Nevada far too seldom -- but particularly today when we can -- we can join with old Hey VITO, what do you think? He walks off.]. Then it begins to taxi away. CUT TO: ROTH's hospital room. It would be a present. JOHNNY ], [The BUTTONMEN scatter as the cop comes in.]. Folks, I want you to join with me in giving a real The Godfather: Part II. It's nothing. Frankie went to make a deal with the Rosato Brothers -- and they Maybe so -- but it occurred to me. She has been married to Thomas Mars since August 27, 2011. They're saps because they risk their lives for strangers. NERI, everyone. -- allow me to welcome you to the city of Havana. happen. People are screaming.]. You can complete the translation of godfather given by the English-Italian Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grvisse He walks over and The Godfather II, a group of 125 people. [As they take his blood pressure he winces in pain. Given an English translation of a word or phrase, pick the Italian/Sicilian/slang answer corresponding to the CAPITALIZED words in each clue. That's not the catch -- unless I'm very wrong, they're dead already. Okay, that's good. The continuing saga of the Corleone crime family tells the story of a young Vito Corleone growing up in Sicily and in 1910s New York; and follows Michael Corleone in the . CLEMENZA and VITO sit and drink esspresso. CUT TO: The Presidential Palace steps. Okay kid you got to go to Reno with your Pop. SENATOR! you'll forget about this miscarriage -- and we'll have another child -- and we'll go on -- you and I. CUT TO: An outside caf where MICHAEL and FREDO are sitting at a small table together. [He walks out of the room and into a room that occupies HYMAN ROTH watching television]. [GENCO walks over and opens the door with ease. You and your friends MICHAEL sits down. hall. Corleone. [He tosses VITO a bag. For years now a growing number of my constituents have been of Italian decent -- and I have come to know them well. on the lake? The important You open this fucker, I'm gonna blow your head off. ], [She shuts the door behind her on the way out.]. My sixth sense tells me your brother FREDO brought a bag full of money. Uh -- Joe the Greek on Tessimo Avenue -- Frank Pennitanlo -- and Tachinko Schrabo. ANTHONY say good bye to MAMA. That's what I want him to think. Murders! CUT TO: The car driving up to CICCIo's Villa. Alright, well, I'm just goin' to have to speak with Mr. Hagen. a shame. You've always been good to me, ever since I came here. Otherwise the cops will come to your house. CUT TO: A meeting of a number of people including MICHAEL Corleone.

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