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Investigation of paranormal activities/ parapsychology and haunting Cleansing using wide range of methods since 1986. Thus, Satan had his men on both sides of the Atlantic: Black Magick Hitler and White Magic 33rd Degree Mason, Roosevelt. Also in Arizona and precisely on the 33rd parallel, in Florence, just SE of Phoenix, . 5. MANY ACTS OF WAR, MURDER, AND ASSASSINATION HAVE OCCURRED ON OR NEAR THE 33RD DEGREE PARALLEL. Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument (33 degrees 22 minutes) is located in a rugged and isolated region about 60 miles west of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. https://www.thejuanonjuanpodcast.com/Show more, FKN Link Treehttps://linktr.ee/ForbiddenKnowledgeNews, Make a Donation to Forbidden Knowledge Newshttp://supportfkn.com, https://www.paypal.me/forbiddenknowledgene, The Forbidden Knowledge Networkhttps://forbiddenknowledge.news/, Sign up on Rokfin!https://rokfin.com/fknplus, FKN on OdyseeOdyseehttps://odysee.com/@forbiddenknowledgenews:d, Get Cory Hughes Book!https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jfkbook, C60 PurplePowerhttps://go.shopc60.com/FORBIDDEN10/or use coupon code knowledge10, Become Self-Sufficient With A Food Forest! Etowah Mounds Historic Site, About North Georgia [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web, http://ngeorgia.com/parks/etowah.html; accessed 4 July 2002. An occultist assigns the number 333 to death, resurrection, and ascension, and consider it to be most powerful. In the Tibetan Book of the Dead, it speaks of the thirty-three heavens ruled over by Indra and the thirty-three ruled over by Mara The Temple of Solomon was a cube, measuring thirty-three and third feet; we once more turn to the Bible to read: Thus David, the son of Jesse, reigned over all Israel. Observations on 33 degrees - Victoria Cotton This area was once thought to be the Garden of Eden. Where is the 33rd parallel in Australia? - Short-Fact About 40 miles due east of the small town of San Carlos, Arizona (33 degrees 24 minutes) is Point of Pines Ruin. Doubtless, Hitler was also guided by the final revelation of thehighestmeaning of 33. Arsenic is a brittle, steel-gray substance that is actively poisonous. At this point, the man-god experiences a fully-functional, visible Third Eye open up within him, an eye people can physically see. [52] (Was this monument Masonically inspired?) . portal 94 Everything Else. Ciriot, translated from the Spanish by Jack Sage, A Dictionary of Symbols (New York: Philosophical Library, 1962), p. 48. 2, 1996, reprinted 1985. drag queen edition' with hosts bob the drag queen, eureka o' hara, and shangela. These beings can alter matter itself, and her favorite playtime is waterbending so to speak :D the occult - The 33rd Parallel This number even permeates the biological realm studied by science: thirty-three is the number of turns in a complete sequence of DNA. [6] As Southwestern archaeologist H. M. Wormington observes, The scope of the canal project suggests comparisons with the erection of the huge pyramids of Egypt or the great temples of the Maya. [7] Clearly this monumental technology was the key factor that allowed the desert dwelling people to inhabit their extremely harsh region for well over a thousand years. 1. Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, Uriels Machine: Uncovering the Secrets of Stonehenge, Noahs Flood, and the Dawn of Civilization (Gloucester, Massachusetts: Fair Winds Press, 2001, 1999), p. 319. Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Heading west, the line passes through Damascus, Beirut, and onto two Templar castles one exactly on the 33rd latitude the other at 32.71. The killing of Jews before Kristallnacht in November 1938, was very secretive, with death certificates being issued with phony causes of death. David Grant Noble, Ancient Ruins of the Southwest: An Archaeological Guide (Flagstaff, Arizona: Northland Publishing, 1991, 1981), p. 15. .M. Erickson BJ, Harris JD, Tetreault M, Bush-Joseph C, Cohen M, Romeo AA - Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine (2014) fig1-2325967114553916: Map of the United States demonstrating the 33rd parallel (red line), which was used to separate the states into warm (south of the 33rd parallel) and cold (north of the 33rd parallel) states; blue line . This may sound like bogus Eastern mysticism until this sacred . Occult Significance of 33rd Parallel - Media Monarchy You don't have to be a believer, a Freemason, or even well-versed in ancient cultures to get swept up in the multi-layered history and archeo-astronomy surrounding the 33rd . (Image credit: Shutterstock) Human sacrifice was practiced in China for thousands of years. At that moment on, all White Magic occultists opposed Hitler mightily. He found numerous stone tools of worked chert and a layer of charcoal that served as a hearth. March 1933 The Jewish Holocaust officially began with the establishment of the concentration camp at Dachau. . List of International Boundary Lines between Countries Jesus Christ was thirty-three when he was crucified; the first temple of Solomon stood for thirty-three years before being pillaged by King Shishak of Egypt; there are thirty-three symbols of the Masonic Order and one of their symbols depicts a double-headed eagle crowned with an equilateral triangle: inside of this is the number thirty-three. Copyright 2023 Rumble. Back in North America the place of the heron refers to Aztlan, the Nahuatl word for the mythical land that the Aztecs inhabited after emerging from Chicomostoc, the Seven Caves located in the bowels of the earth. This mountain known as Newberry Peak lies at the most southern tip of Nevada about 35 miles north of Needles, California. The average speed of the craft was 480 m.p.h. Oppelt, Guide to Prehistoric Ruins, pp. The artifacts found include copper bells and macaw feathers from Mesoamerica as well as shells from the Gulf of Mexico and the California coast. Atop Avikwaame, legends say, was a great house name Aha-avulypo, or literally Dark Round House. [35] The north-south road itself was named Kwatcan, the first trail to the homeland. The Hopi word for track is kukuat, but the word for grandfather is the near homophone kwaat. Map of the United States demonstrating the 33rd paralle | Open-i Tremendous paranormal activity is occurring in Phoenix and has been since the 1947 Roswell Alien/UFO incident allegedly occurred. [50], Entering the historical period, we find hovering near the 33rd parallel a number of provocative synchronicities. [25] Did the earlier Hohokam culture of the American Southwest somehow influence the later development of this Mound Builder culture in the American Southeast? Perhaps the ancients discovered a ley line sort of dragon energy corresponding to this latitude, and constructed temples and sacred cities in order to utilize this terrestrial chi. 1947 On July 8, 1947, a UFO and aliens bodies were allegedly found in the desert outside Roswell, New Mexico at the 33rd Parallel. Curiously, reports also stated that the continents of the Earth were etched upon its surface. We shall quote from White Magic practitioner, Elizabeth van Buren, in her book, The Secret of the Illuminati, as she openly reveals Luciferian thought and values in her New Age book. However, you can see how 33rd Degree Mason, President Truman, might have made the decision to attack Nagasaki, located on the 33rd Parallel. [World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. ON OR NEAR THE 33 DEGREE NORTHERN PARALLEL, Chronology of Significant Events At The Northern 33rd Degree of Latitude Day Williams (Ibid.). 33 MAY BE MOST SACRED, MOST POWERFUL NUMBER OF ALL! The Illulminati Hierarchy >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds [p. 160], In the Vishnu-Purana Book 1, it states: These thirty-three divinities exist age after age, and their appearance and disappearance is in the same number as the sun sets and rises again. [p. 160-1]. experience/the.bomb/route/03.trinity; accessed 9 February 2002. Is your family? An Archaeological Sketch of Moundville, Dr. Vernon James Knight, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Alabama, Museums Curator of Southeastern Archaeology, Moundville Archaeological Park [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web, http://www.ua.edu/academic/museums/moundville/sketch.html; accessed 8 February 2002. [41] However, another site lying exactly on the 33rd parallel was also used expressly for this purpose. The 33 symbolizes the highest spiritual conscious attainable by the human being. [Ibid., p. 161-2], Thus, Jesus called here the Master Initiate was 33 at the time of His death; then, when the occultist adds the number 3 for the number of days Jesus spent in the tomb, he gets 333 as a calculation for the entire event through which the occultist considers Jesus to have passed. Best Science Fiction (Or Is It?) About Phoenix - The 33rd Parallel Article originally published in Underground! We're feeling the pull of the 33 rd parallel (Allow me to explain) In heeding the call to LA, lightworkers are being called to congregate around the 33rd parallel - an energy vortex which happens to run through Venice Beach. Resembling some sort of fowl flying toward the sunset, this mound was constructed using 300,000 cubic yards of clay, or the equivalent to 10 million 50-pound baskets. On the left, or to the north, is Boaz, which means In it is strength and connotes passive stability and permanence. Another significant UFO event that shares more than one parallel with Roswell is the Phoenix Lights event of . One of the major historical facts is that the entire system of satanic lore germinated in Babylon which is located precisely on the 33rd Degree Parallel! They seek to escape the death/reincarnation cycle, so they never die again! Mount Hermon ("Mountain of the Chief", coordinates: 332458N 355127E) is a mountain cluster constituting the southern end of the Anti-Lebanon mountain range. Inhabited between 1000 and 1450 A.D., the site includes 23 flat-topped mounds, with the main Temple Mound rising 55 feet. The region also contains up to one hundred more pyramids. Near the 33rd Parallel, Tel Megiddo has served as an important junction and battlefield throughout history. 3. The Number 11 was a most powerful occult signature underlying these events. 33: THE MAGIC NUMBER - PortFire You can see that the parallel runs right through Baghdad, with the ancient town of Babylon only about 25 miles away. But what's that got to do with Tom? As we have stated in earlier articles, Daniel 8:23-25 tells us that the religion practiced by Antichrist is Black Magick; further, Revelation 17:17 tells us that the final 10 kings are of the same mindset and religion as Antichrist. Pakistan connection: a) As noted previously, President Zulfikar Bhutto was hanged in Rawalpindi , Pakistan at. Add to cart. [19] In this section we have seen how Phoenix and Phoenicia are linked by latitude. 52-54. News reports just a few days ago indicated the Pentagon was possibly planning to use nuclear weapons in Iraq. RITUAL TO SUPERHUMAN ENTITIES FOR TEMPORAL POWER. [10] Pike asserts that the two massive columns situated at the entrance of the Tyrian Temple of Malkarth were consecrated to the Winds and to Fire. First, let us speak of the way civilizations fall either to the north or to the south of the 33rd Parallel. One of President Franklin D. Roosevelts first official acts after taking office on Inauguration Day (Saturday, March 4, 1933), was to proclaim an emergency, three-day, nationwide banking holiday, signed and effective Monday, March 6. William Bramley, The Gods of Eden (New York: Avon Books/Harper-Collins Publishers, 1990, 1989), p. 90. White settlers understood the Creek and the later Cherokee to call this site Hightower, possibly for Itawa or Italwa (city?). Welcome to the weird. He is also thought to be founder of the Order of the Rosy Cross, or the Rosicrucians. This pair is thought to be the prototype of Jachin and Boaz, the two pillars found on the eastern wall of every Masonic temple in the world. Throughout history, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and occultists of the day have planned events that they planned, in order to move the world ever closer to the final ideal, keeping in mind the occult premise stated at the beginning of this article by Day Williams. 605-562 B.C. The original Club 33 is on the 33rd parallel. Known in numerology as the Master Teacher, 33 is the most influential of all numbers, indicating selfless devotion to the spiritual progress of humankind. The number of murders of people of high position and key witnesses along the 33rd Parallel is significant. Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods: The Evidence of Earths Lost Civilization (New York: Crown Trade Paperbacks, 1995), p. 262. 126-130. [Ibid.]. [11] Freemasons Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas suggest that the former represents the winter solstice sunrise, while the latter the summer solstice sunrise. 1990-1991 Gulf Storm I occurred. The empire stretched from the Persian Gulf to the middle Euphrates River and upper Tigris River regions. 33rd parallel south - Wikipedia 47. He was killed in the 11th month, on the 22nd day, and on the 33rd parallel. Robert F. Kennedy was shot on June 5, 1968 at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California, close to the 33rd Parallel and . This was the nuclear explosion that took place in 1945 at the 33rd parallel as a test for the nuclear attack on Japan. Web site: http://www.disinfo.com/site/displayarticle13861.html. His articles have appeared in Ancient American http://www.ancientamerican.com and Atlantis Rising http://www.atlantisrising.com magazines, and will soon be published in Fate http://www.fatemagazine.com and World Explorer http://wexclub.com/pages/magazine.html. The Amon (AMEN) is the numerical equivalent of 1+13+5+14=33. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Download coordinates as: KML. Bashar :: The 33rd Parallel - Highlights on Vimeo In fact, at 9:49 p.m. when the final phase of the event was beginning, Alnilam, the middle star of the Belt, was 33 degrees above the horizon at an azimuth of 242 degrees. Part 3 - Code 33 - Ritual Working in Geography and Biology - Blogger There are two exceptions: one site in Lebanon is 68 nautical miles from the 33rd parallel and another site in Georgia is 71 nautical miles (nearly 82 English miles) from this latitude line. Number 33: Secret Societies, UFOs, Death, Destruction & Disneyland Dr. Albert Goodyear from the University of South Carolina believes that humans were living on an alluvial terrace along the Savannah River 40,000 to 50,000 years ago. (The S. supposedly stood for Solomon.) Answer (1 of 6): Lattitude is only one factor in determining climate. In Iraq, the parallel defined the limit of the southern no-fly zone from 4 . P. David Seaman, Hopi Dictionary (Flagstaff, Arizona: Northern Arizona University Anthropological Paper No. 33- the Secret of Number 33, 33 Parallel 33. On the evening of March 13th, 1997 an immense triangular UFO perhaps a mile wide flew over the American Southwest. Dante Alighieri, The Paradiso: a Verse Rendering For the Modern Reader, translated by John Ciardi (New York: New American Library, 1970,1961), p. 365. What is the meaning of the word Aztlan? The Azteca Web Page [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web, http://www.azteca.net/aztec/aztlan.html; accessed 10 January 2002. [51]. When they were successfully carried out, occultists the world over knew exactly what had happened and who had carried it out, and for the purpose of setting the stage for Number 11 himself, Antichrist. Atlantis destroyed, according to occult legend. Explorations of the Paranormal, UFOs, Ancient Cultures, Cryptozoology, Consciousness, Futurism By the end of World War II, one of the three major Illuminati global rituals was accomplished. This pilgrimage was intended to honor the creation, and ritually retrace the path of Mastamho [the creator-deity, whose name echoes the Hopi god Masauu mentioned above] in his mythic adventures. [34] Here we find a north-south dichotomy similar to that found along the Nile, with the Mound of Creation (i.e., Heliopolis) located to the north. They go to great lengths to make an event occur according to the correct numbers. The first nuclear explosion took place in Alamogordo, New Mexico on parallel 33. This fire enflamed the anger and imagination of Germans all over the nation and led directly to Hitler gaining absolute power shortly thereafter. The Masonic author Albert Pike states that Tyre was the seat of the Osirian Mysteries after they had been imported from Egypt. Stay tuned for the 33rd Parallel podcast All About the Demons, where we figure out once and for all what exactly demons are . Now, who is going to lead the peoples of the world into this highly exalted spiritual journey? To order his book, go to: http://www.theorionzone.com, Article from http://www.world-mysteries.com/mpl_gd1.htm#Along, Your email address will not be published. This charming antebellum port city and hub of southern culture is located less than 15 miles south of the 33rd parallel. 53. When the Illuminati ended the First World War, they had just successfully completed the first war of Albert Pikes occult plan to produce Antichrist [ReadNEWS1056]. This book describes the Orion Correlation of ancient Hopi villages in Arizona. The Biblical Mount Carmel is south of the modern city of Haifa and west of the Sea of Galilee in Israel. Required fields are marked *. It crosses the Atlantic Ocean, Africa, the Indian Ocean, Australasia, the Pacific Ocean and South America. Thus, Roosevelt was sworn in during the 3rd month, 1933, thereby giving his inauguration an occult value of 333, just like Hitlers ascension to power! As we know, all this limits are fading away, thanks to economical and political agenda. For instance, at a latitude of 33 degrees 19 minutes was located the primary Phoenician seaport of Tyre (now called Sr), almost 50 miles south of Beirut. The main canals leading from the Salt and Gila rivers measured up to 75 feet across at the top and 50 feet wide at the bottom. * * In the winter, Phoenix's average high & low temps are about 10-12 degrees more than Atlanta's. * Phoenix gets much hotte. The Great Pyramid was built in Egypt by masons at a location not far south of 30 degrees latitude and on 31 degrees longitude. (This town, incidentally, is located about 35 miles northeast of Phenix City, Alabama.) During the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, we demonstrated how the attacks were carried out according to the Number 11, their number of Antichrist. 1470 B.C. 1946 On August 19, 1946, Bill Clinton, the 42nd President, was born in Hope, Arkansas, at the 33rd Parallel. This awareness is found when the third eye is fully opened, the eye the symbol of which is the number 33 , Each 3 of the number 33 can be seen to be three-fold in the same way as a triangle has three sides: 3+3+3 = 9. Back on the North American continent, if we journey somewhat over 1,500 miles east of Phoenix along latitude 33 North, we find the Moundville site lying exactly on the line. (about the time of Alexander the Great and the Ptolemaic Dynasties in Egypt) and built one of the worlds most extensive irrigation systems. Dealey Plaza is the site of the first Masonic temple in Dallas and a Masonic obelisk. 10. Thus, the Civil War was started at the 33rd Parallel, a very Masonic thing to do! The 20th Century was clearly the century in which God withdrew His restraining power enough so Satan could cause World Wars I and II to be fought exactly as the Guiding Spirit of Albert Pike revealed to him in 1870 [NEWS1056]. Pike maintains that the temple contained a representation in silver of two large serpents. And finally, Besh-ba-gowah Archaeological Park located one-and-a-half miles south of downtown Globe, Arizona (33 degrees 25 minutes) was a granite cobble pueblo of 250-plus rooms inhabited between 1225 and 1450 A.D. Weeks later, the nuclear bomb was dropped on the 33rd Degree Parallel, at Nagasaki, Japan! [49] Besh-ba-gowah is an Apache phrase meaning place of the metal, referring to the copious silver and copper deposits in the area. First, let us speak of the way civilizations fall either to the north or to the south of the 33rd Parallel. The ancient city of Babylon was very near the 33 rd-degree latitude line while modern Baghdad is on the 33rd parallel. In addition, the terraced Hanging Gardens were one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The name Etowah may also be a corruption of this word. [28] It is interesting to note that the Hopi word for the sun deity is Tawa. 33rd Parallel Masonic Line of Death Row Human Sacrifice Unless they receive a fresh and constant flow of energy they tend to stagnate, diminish and die off. Four times eight makes 32. King Hiram of Tyre supplied King Solomon with craftsmen, metallurgists, cedar wood, architectural design, and presumably the esoteric symbolism of these two columns for the construction of his temple at Jerusalem. An introduction to the principles of parallel incarnations by Willa Hillicrissing, a parallel reality specialist from 700 years in our future. Just to the East of Baghdad is the Plain of Megiddo, where the final Battle of Armageddon will be fought! The 33 rd parallel would then be the magic line that separated North form South, Europe form Africa and America from Mexico and "real America", that is, native America. zeke smith surprises actor nico santos with a . About 3 years later at the 33rd parallel in Roswell, New . The Meta Model: Straight NLP. 40. Council of the 13 Royal Families - last-christian-stand - Google Most of this planets six billion people live south of the 33rd Parallel. Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Prepared for the Supreme Council of the Thirty-third Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States and Published by Its Authority (Charleston, South Carolina: A. 33rd Parallel Masonic Line of Death Row Human Sacrifice Ritual - narkive !https://foodforestabundance.com/get-started/?ref=CHRISTOPHERMATHUse coupon code: FORBIDDEN for discounts, Sustainable Communities Telegram Grouphttps://t.me/+kNxt1F0w-_cwYmEx, Our Facebook pageshttps://www.facebook.com/forbiddenknowledgenewsconspiracy/https://www.facebook.com/FKNNetwork/, Instagram@forbiddenknowledgenews1@forbiddenknowledgenetwork, Twitterhttps://twitter.com/ForbiddenKnow10?t=7qMVcdKGyWH_QiyTTYsG8Q&s=09. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were near the 33rd parallel. The whereabouts of this artifact are currently unknown. 33rd Parallel Defense ; 35th Parallel north forms the boundary between the State of North Carolina and the State of Georgia, the State of Tennessee and the State of Georgia the State of Alabama. 19. the 33rd Parallel on Apple Podcasts Painted Rocks Petroglyph Site, Virtual Guidebook to Cactus Country [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web, http://www.virtualguidebooks.com/Arizona/ Thus, we were not surprised that both Presidents Bush are Black Magic practitioners from the Skull & Bones Society, and that President Clinton was a practicing Black Magic Satanist. How the Great Pyramid was built is unknown. Assisting with raising the frequency of the planet. And according to various sources was used as the site of a human sacrifice ritual to the. This measurement, incidentally, equals the length of the Hohokam platform mound at Pueblo Grande in Phoenix, Arizona. The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archaeology and Hidden History, edited by Preston Peet, Disinformation Books, New York, 2005. 52. Where is the 33rd parallel in the United States? - Sage-Answer Masons and Mystery at the 33rd Parallel - Illuminati (much earlier than even the Hohokam settlements), a C-shaped or perhaps a partial octagon-shaped earthwork three-quarters of a mile across was formed by six concentric ridges that are 140 to 200 feet apart and four to six feet high. In studying the 33rd parallel of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane, . What are some major cities around 33 degrees latitude? How is - Quora 23. 33rd parallel north. the 33rd Parallel. I've been looking for more info on this but it all 39. 67-68. It was at the beginning of the nineties. Add to wishlist . Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus (Shaftesbury, Dorset, England: 1998, 1997, 1996), pp. [http://www.ess.uwe.ac.uk/genocide/destrtim.htm], On March 3, 1933, the Federal Reserve Board and the New York Reserve Banks Governor Harrison had agreed that the Board would issue an order closing all the Federal Reserve Banks. The current politics of the country have thus far prevented any detailed study of the structure, but it is thought to be 4,500-5,000 year old-- the approximate age of the pyramids at Giza. Both Baghdad and the U.N. No Fly Zone is located at the 33rd Degree Parallel. 50. a. The geoglyphs together with other cairns, stone circles, and cleared dance paths may be ritually associated with the huge network of interconnected trails found in the low desert upon which the ancients made pilgrimages. 15. If our Masonic leadership chose Nagasaki simply because it was located on the 33rd Parallel, is it any stretch of the imagination that the next target for U.S. nuclear attack might be Baghdad, or Iraq, for the entire country is located within a few miles within that parallel? (Demolay derives from the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, James deMolay (1244-1314)). [Day Williams, Ibid.]. This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect yourloved ones. Byblos (Jbeil), Embassy of Lebanon, Washington, DC [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web, http://www.lebanonembassy.org/tourism/jbeil.html; accessed 8 February 2002. He believed that this 333 would allow him to pass quickly through the reincarnation cycle so he could come back to earth as the real, historic Antichrist. Adepts the world over considered Hitler to the immortal god-man until they realized he had chosen the Left-Hand path, the Evil path. The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. 1993 Waco, Texas, just south of the 32nd degree of north latitude, is the site of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas. The Greek root arsen means male, strong or virile, which suggests the active reach of this potent and potentially deadly number across the globe. Now, van Buren tells us exactly why numbers are important, so that she may tell us exactly the significance of the number, 33 and 333. The fluid goes all the way down to the sacral chakra, the second bottom chakra, below the solar plexus. 38. . Find ratings and reviews for the newest movie and TV shows. [1] On the reverse of the Masonically inspired Great Seal of the United States is the pyramid with the all-seeing eye of divine Reason at its apex. Some people argue that the military fired anti-aircraft rounds at what some say was a saucer-shaped flying object. In addition to that, Jesus Christ was 33 years old at his death. Spanish explorers originally called this area La Jornada del Muerto, or The Journey of the Dead, but now the site is marked by a small stone obelisk erected twenty years or so after the explosion. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); In an area well-known for its abundance of Aboriginal petroglyphs, [], By Michelle Kennedy Long before white man arrived in this [], Preface Pyramid 1: Egypt . RITUAL TO SUPERHUMAN ENTITIES FOR TEMPORAL POWER. . Along the 33rd Parallel The Global Mystery Circle - Academia.edu

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