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Hence also the dumbing down of the populace and severe declines in education, accelerated by global digitisation and distraction. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Polands capital is ruled by Warsaw, appropriately Piscean as it was originally a small fishing town on the very beautiful River Vistula. Moon in Gemini is void-of-course, trine to Gemini ruler Mercury in late Aquarius conjunct Saturn. 6@H0_wH"Hh'd5v3&Fi F' N Essentially, there are several significators of death, Scorpio rising, Pisces Sun and Neptune, Pluto etc. The lower centres relationship to the higher centres: Sacral-throat, solar plexus-heart, base-crown. WebAquarius with an ascendant in Scorpio for a long time fluctuate in life until they find a stable point, and even when they find it, everything can change overnight. The driven freedom of the Aquarius sun can We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The open gate of the full moon is always a powerful monthly cycle this full moon celebrating the solar festival of Pisces. But its early days yet, the truth will emerge just as it has concerning the last three years of the Covid fiasco. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. Amazon is an alternative for cheaper postage outside of the USA, The Neptune god of the waters, is appropriately the esoteric ruler of The Crab also the soul sign of Washington, DC and personality expression of the USA 1776 horoscope. Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon people are good judges of character. This content is Sun These effects are becoming evident already and even more so over the next two years houses of cards are collapsing everywhere. The 12th sign Pisces brings its meaning to the 12th house area of life experience pertaining to prisons: The prison house of matter hence the symbol of Pisces, the two fishes linked together by a band.Yet Pisces is also about liberation from our self-created prisons: In Pisces there is the death of all attachments and the liberation of the soul for service upon an universal scale.2. Pluto with his staff, resembling Shiva, a first ray deity. Neptune the ruler of noxious gases was angular in Pisces, opposite Virgo a sign traditionally associated with health and healing. Hidden History of Humanity, Word is that the liquid cargo on the rail train in E. Palestine came from Madison IL. Germany played a particular role in expressing world glamour, and similarly today with USAs progressed Sun in Pisces (1776 chart), it has assumed a role not unlike Germanys as it attempts to be a dictator to the world, under the deep influence of glamour: Perhaps a 6th ray glamour of the saviour complex mixed in with other motives. They propagate their ideals very infectiously, they are excellent propagandists; But they promise too much, because they rely too much on themselves. A partner who can balance the Scorpios intensity with a calming, practical presence will be well-suited for the natives needs. However, the Aquarius sun and Scorpio moon is a combination that is all about outward expression. It is worth mentioning that this position of Sun and Moon in Scorpios and Aquarius brings great changes, rough and relatively frequent, Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon Rising Signs - Astro Majesty You seem to be unusual, but you are magnificent. Moon and Mars square Neptune in Pisces. Moon Sign Compatibility List of 12 star signs. Due to the willful personality of the Scorpio and the ever-wandering characteristics of the Aquarius, it is hard for this person to convince their romantic pursuits to stay. Aquarius Sun Sign With Rising Sign Combinations There is more to this universe than what we can see & touch. Hence, the ease with which the public were so easily conned by the plannedemic assault upon them, 2020 to 2023, with a major offshoot distraction into Ukraine. Death in Pisces through the energy of Pluto is transformationa transformation so vital and so basic that the Ancient One is no longer seen. They are never dull. Soul Cycles Seven Rays III As 2025 approaches, the fourth ray of Art, Beauty and Music the soul ray of Germany, will come back slowly into incarnation and, the Germany of the mystical poets and writers of the Middle Ages will again arisethe Germany of the musical festivals, the Germany which has given the world the best of the music of all time, the Germany of Schiller and of Goethe and the Germany of the philosophers.13. List of 12 star signs. However, you also have a lot of creativity and originality. Either this may manifest literally through a love of travel or metaphorically through an insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding. Safe and secure: Stripe is supported in most countries. These individuals are always striving for the next challenge with a thirst for knowledge. Destiny Races & Nations II A man with an Aquarius sun Scorpio moon placement is a natural in a crowd. Two birds killed with one stone! We hope that you can support this initiative in the sign of Aries pioneering new paths of thought. Intellectual, they are gifted with an analytical mind. Aquarius Hence, it is not difficult to see how lower Neptune is invoked through manipulation of the masses by those with more developed mental capacity, but who lack the development of compassion, resulting in exploitation. When the Scorpio sun placement parallels the Aquarius moon, the resulting individual is a deep well of contradictions. Our society has a tendency to associate emotional expression with weakness, but this couldnt be further from the truth. Interesting If your sun is in Aquarius, you are an interesting person! (See last newsletter.) Aquarius is under the rule of Uranus, the planet linked to creativity and new ideas. It can be a difficult position for the karmic planet in a karmic sign, where conflict arises processing memories of the past. hb`````c wP#0p4 q@1C$?E2|D+ zy 7 With such a strong-willed desire to be free, An Aquarius sun Scorpio moon can often find themselves the victims of their own pride. (The battle still rages, but mainly upon the mental plane.). You can be an Aquarius Sun and Aquarius Rising, Scorpio Sun and Aquarius Rising, Taurus Sun and Aquarius Risingyou get the idea. Because Scorpio sun Aquarius Moon natives are so enamored by their desires, it can be difficult for them to open up and let someone else into their hearts. Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon: The Self-Drive Empath That notwithstanding, if each person can learn to respect the others independence, both partners can increase their capacity for empathy and love. Read about it here. Donations Dear Reader, March will be a major turning point of the year for three major planets will change signs. We hope to have a program schedule available in the next few weeks posted in the Aries newsletter, just before the conference. On the flip side, the Aquarius moon partner will likely challenge them with the aim of breaking free of their hold. The rebellious nature of Aquarius often comes out in full force with this combination. Although she is used for the Group projects may be challenging for these individuals, as they can often be too opinionated and have difficulty working with different personalities. This also reveals a bit of a stubborn streak. The traditional dates used by Mystic Meg for each sign are below. ___ Nordstream Explosion Horoscope You have a unique perspective on the world, and youre always up for a good time. Invoking the polar opposite sign of healing Virgo will also help balance the opposites upon the astral plane by the development of objective, self-critical analysis. As touched upon earlier, Norway had much to gain from this act of sabotage: Oslo expects to bring in about $109 billion from the petroleum sector this year $82 billion more than in 2021.!14A bitter paradox for Norwegians is the extortionate price of food and electricity how can that be, where are all the profits going? Who will lead the world? Horoscope today: Daily star sign guide from Mystic Meg on Nevertheless as a fixed sign, Aquarius is subject to ide fixe that Pluto the Destroyer will break up, as it did on its passage through Capricorn: Pluto governs however the death or cessation of old ideas and emotions, and its influence is therefore largely cerebral and in that you have the clue to its late discovery. A partners willingness to give them space and join in on the journey is crucial for a successful relationship. Scorpio Per your comments on Norways likely role in sabotaging the Nordstream pipeline at the there is an opinion piece Is Hersh telling the whole truth? There are also two different articles by both the former Inspector General of the Bundeswehr Harald Kujat and by by former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on how impending peace deals between Ukraine and Russia were blocked by the Westernn governments and especially by Boris Johnson. WebScorpio Sun Aquarius Moon Man. The Libra Moon can claim to be a true people person bec Continue Reading 10 Like any sign, planet or ray, Pluto has a higher and lower expression passing through Aquarius: A lower Aquarian expression utilising Uranus-ruler the planet of science, might manifest in further ruthless, technological and totalitarian exploitation of the masses digital IDs, constant surveillance, franken-vaxxes and data harvesting all the Brave New World scenarios that have been touted in the past few years. WebDaily Horoscope for Scorpio (and Scorpio Rising). The need for this assertion is realised by many in Germany but the negative Piscean personality attitude provides a great obstacle and accounts for what has puzzled all who know and love the German people.12. Moon It is easy to think of examples in which failing to recognize ones own ignorance can become dangerous. Thus, you are never certain whether to Moon is also the most elevated body in the chart and quincunxes Scorpio co-ruler Pluto in late Capricorn. A woman with an Aquarius sun Scorpio moon is going to need a very special romantic partner. Long-term commitments may not be their favorite thing in the world due to the nature of change in both the Scorpio sun and Aquarius moon placements. The Shamballa Impacts Scandinavia, has a Cancer personality the Crab, which can fall into being pre-occupied with its own house which it carries on its back, and to vanish into hiding at the first signs of trouble.16. At YourHigherJourney we want to show you how to see & read the signs in your life to unlock your full potential. It has only been in the past century that the Shamballa force has been allowed to flow directly to Humanity, the Hierarchy hitherto shielding or stepping down those potencies. Safe and secure: Stripe is supported in most countries. . An Aquarius sun and a Scorpio moon are two powerful signs that love to make their presence felt. What makes a Scorpio sun Aquarius moon unique is their ability to see all the possibilities. Thankyou Vicki! By developing your intellectual capacity, you can become an excellent scientist. Vulcan here forges on his anvil, through fire and blows, that linking network which covers all the nation and makes it hold together. This ray produces the condition which brings together Germany and the States, for the fourth ray is the German soul ray and the first ray, which Vulcan transmits via the Moon, links the German soul and personality to the United States. Spot a Scorpio Rising The shelled, private Scorpio is at odds with the progressive, humanitarian Aquarius. Scorpio is rising in this event chart, with its ruler Mars placed in Gemini conjunct the Moon in the sign of transportation. You manifest the energy and characteristics of the sign it is in. In the explosion event horoscope near the Danish island of Svaneke, the Sun and Moon were in Libra, one hour past the new moon of Sept.25 at 1.03 am on Sept.26 a time chosen that offered the cloak of darkness. Yesterdays Horoscope. With patience and open communication, this relationship can be a great source of growth for both people involved. Note The author does not have time to respond to many emails from readers, so please post your comments in the section below. The Sun in Aquarius describes the prime focal point within your personality, and is of major importance. This is a great paradox for one of the highest products of the Fifth Rootrace. Capricorn Moon Plutos transit through Aquarius will also be stimulating the first Saturn-ruled decanate until 2029, bringing opportunity for initiation as a reflection of the greater Aquarian Age decanate of 720 years: We shall have the activity of Saturn, producing a dividing of the ways and a proffering of opportunity to those who can avail themselves of it. Men with this placement should work to keep their anger in check before it becomes a problem. This placement often produces individuals with an innate knack for creative problem-solving in ways that havent been thought of before. If youre looking for a great lover, these are awesome combos. It continues to this day, unabated and even more sophisticated. Scorpio Moon Your email address will not be published. The only people that I like out of these two combinations outside of a bedroom is Aquarius Sun Scorpio Moon Women I'm not to fond of the Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon Combination or Aquarius Sun Scorpio Moon Men as fellow male buddies of mine . The battle rages . Capricorn: December 22 January 20. Neptune is the personality ruler of Pisces, and as Lord of the Oceans, appropriately rules the solar plexus centre, gateway to the astral body. They tend to break away from conformity and explore their interests and paths. endstream endobj startxref Scorpio Horoscope for March 2023 - Susan Miller Astrology Zone Up the coast from Stavanger, not far from where pipelines carry gas to Europe, Ingunn Johannessen, a fifth-generation shopkeeper, is unplugging freezers and fretting about the winter ahead the combination of higher prices for food and electricity is maddening.15. Scorpio moon sign personalities are a bundle of contradictions. Beethoven: Visionary Sun in Sagittarius square Chiron in Pisces! Warsaw also witnessed some of the most hideous effects of the dying Piscean age in the Jewish ghettos where thousands were starved to death. A widely published neuroscientist, Dr. Bobby Azarian, recently published an article entitled, Why Stupidity is an Existential Threat to America. His thesis is based on the The Dunning-Kruger effect. Hence, it may have been somewhat easy for the USA to gradually tighten their grip on Germany. (Unfortunately, postage costs are too high to other countries outside of the USA. Destiny Races & Nations I Secrets are also a significant part of this relationship because the Scorpio sun Aquarius moon person can be quite the recluse, often finding it difficult to talk about their innermost feelings. Friends, Creatures of the Pisces-Neptune realm L: The ancient and mysterious, The fluid, sensitive temperament in Piscesmediumistic and psychically polarisedmust be stabilised in Virgo, in which sign mental introspection and critical analysis become possible and serve to arrest the fluidity of Pisces. This mass negligence to assert itself in the interests of the higher principles, was aided by the fact that the Nazis persecuted intellectualswho left Germany in droves, literally weakening the mental body of the nation and its spiritual principles. The new colonies of the USA amalgamated and broke free from mother Britain, whilst the French monarchy was abolished and the French First Republic was founded. A woman with her moon sign in Scorpio will have similar traits WebThe Scorpio sun Aquarius moon personalities may seem mysterious, unemotional and detached, but in reality theyre easy-going, fun and loving. The Aquarius Sun Leo Moon is an individual who is friendly but holds onto a stubborn and independent streak. Leading on from the previous section, Germany has a Pluto-ruled first ray personality and Pisces personality ruled by Pluto. A more positive expression though not necessarily higher, would be a stimulation of the masses to rise up against repressive laws, as they did in France in the late 1700s; that could be unpredictable, wild and bloody as it was over two centuries ago. Aquarius sun The moon was in Cancer (mother earth, environment) approaching an exact opposition to deadly Pluto in Capricorn. They tend to prefer jobs that involve variety, new challenges, and a lot of research. So, what happens when we combine the powerful energies from these two placements? 1.) Pisces Sun-Scorpio Moon The Magnetic These natives are able to take advantage of their deep understanding of emotions while utilizing their natural curiosity to explore multiple avenues. The effect has been widely written about, and investigated empirically, with hundreds of studies published in peer-reviewed journals confirming and analyzing the phenomenon, particularly in relation to the dangers it poses in certain contexts. For them, The 250 year (Phoenix) cycle of Pluto in Capricorn carries the great danger of power hungry tyrants that want to rule and take over the world, versus an awakening Humanity, who through the power of transformation, have the opportunity to reclaim their lost power and walk through the purifying fires of initiation.4, Pluto rules the lesser burning ground and the first ray of will or power and is connected to cycles based upon the numeral 1, 10, 100, 1000 etc. All these factors have become particularly noticeable since around 2015, with elections in the UK and USA and the analytical data groups who influenced public perception and voting outcomes. Best Fit MBTI for Each Sun/Moon/Rising Combo This influence is now being strongly felt , The work of the first decanate will enable many to make those choices and efforts which will enable them to raise the lower energies into the higher centres, and to transfer the focus of their attention from below to above the diaphragm.7. Many geniuses are born under this Sign. List of 12 star signs. The traditional dates used by Mystic Meg for each sign are below. These placements in Aries indicate bold new initiatives that can be made, complementing the rising sign (soul purpose) of courageous Leo at least in the chart set for London, the planetary throat chakra this city is ruled by Leo at the soul level. The conference will contain a range of individual and group presentations, discussions and meditations. Hence, it is ironic that Norway has contributed blatantly to an act of war, out of greed and/or under the spell of Western-made Russiaphobia. Plutos increasing strength will continue to destroy the crystallisations of the last 2,000 years, in various ways according to the sign that it is in. WebAquarius sun Taurus moon individuals tend to be gentle and adaptable, but they also have strong wills that are not easily pushed around. Soul Cycles Seven Rays V As Neptune rules over visual media, then propaganda can be easily fed to the masses through carefully crafted movies, documentaries, global news channels, internet videos and television. Therefore, Plutos strength and influence will increase in the next several years, given that it has not been in human consciousness for very long. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Sun Many people may look down on certain lifestyle choices, but Scorpio sun Aquarius moon natives are not afraid to express their unique ideas and pursue their passions without career accolades. Before Uranus discovery, Saturn used to be the ruler of Aquarius and still rules over its first decanate. Moon is also the most elevated body in the chart and quincunxes Scorpio co-ruler Pluto in late Capricorn. Hidden History of Humanity I Scorpio is a water moon, making you ultra sensitive to the moods around you. Because the US has gone beyond its limits with its aggression, intimidation and attempted control of many nations around the world: The sixth ray glamour of interference and meddling in the affairs of other nations has prevailed for decades since WWII, resulting in over 50 CIA-driven coups globally. Five rail cars of vinyl chloride derailed an extremely hazardous substance that has been proven to cause several types of cancer. We can only imagine the loss that the nation must be feeling right now especially so many young students. And in 2025, both Neptune and Saturn enter Aries, making close conjunctions throughout that year, especially in August. 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