june 7, 2007 wisconsin tornadobest freshman dorm at coastal carolina

Local Climate [148], Three tornadoes hit the Barisal District, Gopalganj and Bhola District districts of southern Bangladesh, killing seven people and leaving 3,000 people homeless. Climate and Health: Severe Storm Safety | Wisconsin Department of Numerous trees and power lines were also blown down. However, damaging hail and wind were the primary effects, although 10 tornadoes were reported in Texas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas and Alabama. WREG News Channel 3 Live @ 7:00AM More than 2 years into the . [145][146], A large, destructive supercell storm impacted the Balearic Islands, most specifically the island of Majorca where a tornado was documented in the capital city, Palma de Mallorca. A total of 10 tornadoes were confirmed; all of them were EF0 or EF1. This twister tracked a distance of about 34 kilometres (21mi). Whakatane, Tauranga, and Auckland were also affected by tornadoes.[99][100]. The hardest-hit state was Kentucky, where many tornadic supercells formed between Paducah and Louisville, and WFIE has reported many injuries and possible fatalities in numerous communities. 03in; Wettest Day 3 September, 2022 0. The tornado moved a truck, damaged roofs and snapped trees. There were 87 tornadoes reported in the U.S. in February, of which 54 were confirmed. Two people were killed in New Iberia, Louisiana, and 15 were injured. [117][120] Numerous reports of straight-line wind damage were also received throughout the entire NWS Detroit/Pontiac coverage area. It turned out to be a long squall line though, and while there was wind damage from winds as strong as 85 miles per hour (137km/h) stretching from the Tennessee Valley north to almost Hudson Bay, there were only two tornadoes, one near Brantford southwest of Toronto and the other near Bancroft north of Peterborough, Ontario. The owner heard the Tornado Warning and went into the bathtub (circled in large view), and escaped without a scratch! On June4, the Storm Prediction Center issued a moderate risk of severe weather for June6, only the fourth such issuance for a day three outlook. Storm Spotters Tornadoes hit Wisconsin as National Weather Service warns of - Madison A total of 10tornadoes were reported, including two in the city of El Paso, however, the damage was relatively minor. Hail as large as 3.25 inches (8.3cm) and wind gusts up to 80 miles per hour (130km/h) were reported as well. Our Office The damage pathnear Highway 64was three-quarters of a mile wide! A large hailstone in Port Edwards, measured at 5.5 inches in diameter. Drought Monitor On February 28, 12 tornadoes were reported, eight in Kansas and four in Missouri. 7 June 1984 - 12z On the morning of 7 June, a surface low was located in along the Nebraska/Kansas border with a minimum pressure of 995 hPa (Figure 3a). [45] The severe weather caused cancellation of qualifying for the 2007 Samsung 500 at Texas Motor Speedway, forcing the field to be established via owner's points. [42] On May23, 10tornadoes were reported along with hail as large as softballs.[78]. Tens of thousands of trees, many pines, were snapped or uprooted along the damage path. The June 7, 2007tornadoscar is a frequently sharedimage on social media in winter. All NOAA. 22tornadoes were reported in the US in December, of which 19 were confirmed. [56] More tornadoes occurred on April 2627. 17, 2022 at 8:38 AM UTC. Over 80 tornadoes were confirmed that day, along with hail as large as softballs and straightline winds as strong as 90mph (145km/h). Photos: Remembering Wisconsin's deadliest tornado in 1899 - Madison Another moderate risk was issued with tornadoes being the main threat. Visible satellite imagery at 4:15 PM, June 7, courtesy SSEC, UW-Madison. Experimental Graphical Hazardous Weather Outlook, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Click for larger image. The majority of the wind reports were from a bow echo that developed across central Kentucky and Tennessee during the evening hours and causing damage to trees, power lines, antennas and trailers. [60] In the Metroplex, more than 300,000customers lost power as a result of the high winds. No injuries or deaths were reported during the tornado event. June 7, 2007 Tornadoes and Hail [48][49] The same supercell than produced a large, wedge EF2 tornado that blew several vehicles and semis off of Interstate 80 near Gothenburg, injuring nine people, before causing more damage to farms in rural Dawson and Custer counties. This outbreak was part of a winter storm that affected the Midwest states, the Great Lakes, Quebec, Ontario, the Canadian Maritimes and the US Northeast killing an additional 19 people. Weather-Ready Nation, Additional Information Note:The animations are about 1 MB each. Storm '1' is the supercell that would produce the long-track tornado across northeast Wisconsin. Wisconsin's deadliest tornado struck New Richmond in St. Croix County on June 12, 1899, the worst in state history. '2' is the supercell that produced very large hail in Wood County. [59] No one was seriously injured or killed. Looking back at Wisconsin tornadoes | News | waow.com Of the roughly 460homes in Northwood, 90% of them sustained some type of damage. Among them were three EF2tornadoes, which did significant damage to a number of farm properties across the region. As of March 1, there were at least 53 tornadoes reported that day. In addition, KTUL has reported at least 40people were injured in Tulsa at Oktoberfest when thunderstorm winds ripped through the area. This image of the track of one of those tornadoes was captured on June 9, 2007, by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Terra satellite. [77] On the afternoon of May22, the Storm Prediction Center issued a moderate risk of severe storms for parts of western Oklahoma, southern Kansas, and the northern Texas Panhandle for May23. After crossing Lake Huron, the same system once again intensified and a strong F1tornado touched down in a rural area north of Mitchell, Ontario causing some damage [74] There was also an EF0 tornado in northern Indiana as well as in southern Ohio. First Alert Weather Update: First confirmed tornadoes in western Wisconsin Tornado spotted in central Wisconsin amid heat wave An eyewitness reported that her child was whirled around as the tornado struck their street area. The most severe structural damage occurred 3.5 miles east of the city of White Lake in Langlade County. [152] In total, 46tornadoes were confirmed. Mainly hail damage occurred, but eight weak tornadoes did touch down. More severe weather was expected on October18 across the Ohio Valley and the Great Lakes region. June is the peak for severe storms and tornadoes in the Badger state, with over 400 tornadoes occurring since 1950. The tornado was rated EF2, with winds estimated at 115 to 125 mph. The F1tornado caused serious damage to roofs of houses and barns. Tornadoes Strike Northern Wisconsin - NASA Satellite Image A series of tornadoes ripped through the Upper Midwest region of the United States in the evening of June 7, 2007. The effects of a tornado from a decade ago are still visible in Wisconsin. Up to 40 people were injured, most of them were children, who watched a circus show as the tornado struck the area. (The largest hailstone in Wisconsin is 5.7" in diameter which fell in Wausau in May 1921.). Shawano-Menominee-Langlade-Oconto Counties Long-Track Tornado. Jessica. 13 WREX Live Stream; 13. The Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) instrument on Landsat 7 examined the tornado damage on June 15, 2007. A single tornado hit Ignace, Ontario in the north-west part of the province overturning boats, causing damage to trees and property as well as injuring one person.[95]. Area Radars Significant damage was reported near Caulfield, Missouri, and one person was killed in a mobile home there. The second tornado touched down at 2:30 PM destroying several houses. 23 permanent buildings collapsed in Kampung Langon Baru Mekarsari market, Cilegon Banten.[16]. The first one caused severe damage in the city of Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Saxony-Anhalt. The two loudest sounds are a gun that goes bang when it is supposed to go click and one that goes click when it is supposed . [61] However, no fatalities were reported. NASA - Tornadoes Leave Path of Destruction Visible from Space Several people were injured by the tornado, and one person died from the associated flooding. A tornado struck Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland (United Kingdom) resulting in roof damage and vehicle damage. The animation is 4 MB. Outdoor Report for June 28, 2007 - Wisconsin DNR The event started on April 20, when two isolated, but strong tornadoes touched down in south central Nebraska. Map of northeast Wisconsin and tornado tracks. A severe weather outbreak occurred across the eastern central states on April 11, exactly 42 years after the deadly 1965 Palm Sunday tornado outbreak. An EF2 tornado killed two people Beaver County, Oklahoma, an EF3 tornado killed two people in Holly, Colorado, and another EF3 tornado killed a person in Hemphill County, Texas. It received a maximum damage rating of EF3 and killed one person. [105], A destructive tornado struck Zambales, Philippines, heavily damaging or destroying several homes and killing one person. [70] The activity was far less than on the two previous days, however there were still several additional tornadoes across the Plains, all of which were weak, mostly EF0 intensity.[71]. Click for larger image. On. These tornadoes were the very first to be classified under the newly implemented Enhanced Fujita scale in the United States. Tornado Information Wisconsin Tornado Facts Thunderstorm Information After the Storm If you have a question or didn't find what you're looking for, email us or give us a call at 608-266-6761. 55 tornadoes were reported in the U.S. in July, however 69 were confirmed. US Dept of Commerce The width of the tornado was approximately 250 yards. Safety An agricultural company, a construction company, and a car dealership were completely destroyed in this area. Not denoted on the map is an area of straight-line wind damage in the Thunder Mountain area of western Marinette County, caused by the same supercell that produced the long-track tornado. Storm '1' is the supercell that would produce the long-track tornado across northeast Wisconsin. There were 214 tornadoes reported in the U.S. in March, of which 181 were confirmed. The most significant were around Lafayette, Louisiana and in Greater New Orleans. Six were reported in the city of New Plymouth, Taranaki, devastating many houses and part of the Central Business District. Copyright TWC Product and Technology LLC 2014, 2023. The state averages 21 tornadoes annually, with a record 62 in 2005; there were 18 confirmed tornadoes in 2007. . electrameccanica arizona; where did the tornado hit in wisconsin?maitre gims a combien de disque d'ormaitre gims a combien de disque d'or Wild Wind Air Date: June 28, 2006 tbd S5:E47. Jessica Clark First Coast News HusbandNot knowing what caused her [131][132], An undeveloped tropical low over the Gulf of Mexico, which later became Tropical Depression Ten, spawned one confirmed and several possible tornadoes late on September20 and early on September21 over parts of Central Florida, not far from areas devastated on February2. Houses were flattened in Grandview and people were reported trapped by the EF3tornado. The large swath of hail caused considerable damage across the Port Edwards and Wisconsin Rapids area. The tornado was reported near Tomah, Wisconsin, just after 4 p.m. local time and apparently. Please select one of the following: Map of northeast Wisconsin and tornado tracks. While June was not as active with fewer tornadoes, it produced another F5 tornado and Canada's first such confirmed tornado. [67], On the morning of May5, the Storm Prediction Center issued a high risk across central Kansas and Nebraska. At least 15 people were injured in a tornado in Liberty, South Carolina. Wisconsin tornado: Several homes damaged after a tornado rips - CNN One other person was killed in Alabama as well as nine in Georgia including six in a single tornado in Baker County. Furthermore, two other tornadoes struck the village of Czermin near Wrocaw and the small town of Andrespol near Ldz in central Poland. Widespread tornadoes and destructive downburst winds were possible. Damage Seen in Central Wisconsin as Tornado Confirmed Locally - Yahoo! News The twistercaused EF2 damagefour miles north of the city of Mountain onHighway 32, in the town of Riverview, with estimated winds of around 130 mph. [127] Later that evening, a large EF3 tornado passed near Rugh Lake, North Dakota, destroying garages and outbuildings on three farms, tossing grain bins, and snapping numerous trees. Some of the storms during the late afternoon were moving at over 60 mph! The highest wind speeds in the biggest tornadoes has never been measured because wind speed measuring equipment has always been destroyed by the twisters. A moderate severe weather event and tornado outbreak took place on February 23 and 24 across the south-central United States. Two of the tornadoes were rated EF3 on the new Enhanced Fujita scale. Weather presenter Jacqueline Bennett was reporting on the weather wearing a tight white t-shirt with no bra on. The tornado path was 3.7 miles (6.0km) long, and was initially rated as an F4 on the Fujita Scale before detailed video debris analysis warranted an upgrade to F5 making it the first such tornado in Canada. Image of the Day The mayor of the affected region provided financial assistance to the displaced families following the tornado.[102]. Shortly after 4 pm, the NWS office in La Crosse. F3 Tornado path 429 km; Track of March, 2012 Tornado 774 km; 2011 Tornado Track 1024 km; The 1989 Tornado Formed In This Area. Eight of the tornadoes were EF0 while two were rated EF1. The strongest tornado that day, T7/F3, took place in Lauchhammer in southern Brandenburg, which leveled massively built barns and snapped high tension poles. The Meteorology Behind the Storms An EF2tornado struck New York City at 6:30am EDT (10:30UTC) on August8. Image of the Day This page documents the tornadoes and tornado outbreaks that occurred in 2007, primarily (but not entirely) in the United States. Another tornado was reported in the area, but it was not confirmed. This NASA image taken June 6, 2017shows the faint southwest-to-northeast orientation of the tornado path. xmlns:xsl='http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform'">. The central Plains were expected to see a large tornado outbreak potentially, particularly in Nebraska and the Dakotas close to the dry line, should the cap have broken in the atmosphere in the afternoon hours. 1183 km; Path of EF2 Tornado - April 15, 2019 1300 km; Path of 2011 Tuscaloosa Tornado 1332 km; Path of May 31 2013 El Reno Tornado 1335 km; Path of the First Tornado of the 2007 Groundhog Day Outbreak 1900 km It is estimated to have been an F2 or F3 tornado. Rapids. Embedded in the derecho was an EF1tornado that touched down in Winfield, Illinois in DuPage County. Which City Is the Worst for Fall Allergies This Year? Tornado activity the following day was much more significant, especially in Arkansas. It was estimated to have touched down around 2:50pm local time and lifted around 6:00pm local time, making it one of the longest-lived tornadoes ever recorded at roughly 3hours and 10minutes in duration. Dallas Area Storms Cause Power Transformer To Explode, Rockslide In Californias Santa Monica Mountains, Cold Or Flu? A flour mill was also destroyed and several trucks were overturned on Highway 1. No fatalities were reported, but several people were injured.[37][38]. June 7, 2007: White Lake, Wisconsin Long-tracked EF3 tornado and 5" hail that dealt the Northwoods' distinguishable damage scar. As a result, the first severe weather episode in more than a month in the US produced several tornadoes across the Deep South, particularly southern Georgia and northern and central Florida, late on December15 and early on December16. During the mid-afternoon hours, the moderate risk was upgraded to a high risk for the second time in 2007. A long-track tornado touched down at 4:31 pm east of Mattoon in Shawano County and continued northeast to the Oconto-Marinette County line. A series of tornadoes ripped through the Upper Midwest region of the United States in the evening of June 7, 2007. Radar Animation [90], A moderate risk of severe thunderstorms was issued by the Storm Prediction Center for portions of eastern Iowa during the late afternoon of June21. [25] In the early afternoon, supercells became widespread across the region. The area primarily affected was the southern High Plains. One person was confirmed dead in Kalkaska, Michigan following an EF2tornado there while two other people were killed in Ingham County in the Lansing area by another EF2tornado that caused extensive damage in the Williamston area. A brick house was mostly destroyed, and a double-wide mobile home was completely destroyed, with debris scattered up to 200 yards away. Scar of Half-Mile-Wide Wisconsin Tornado Still Visible 10 Years Later [62] Around 6:35 pm CDT (2335 UTC), a tornado was reported by KWTV storm spotters on the ground near Arnett, Oklahoma. Map of northeast Wisconsin and tornado tracks. It then passed on into Holly, in Oakland County before dissipating into straight-line winds east of Holly. It traveled 7.3 miles through farmlands and woodlands before lifting or dissipating about 4 miles south of Hatley, just north of Pike Lake. The same NASA satellite took this image below on July 13, 2014, which also shows the path of the tornado. Melody Time Vhs1949, Walt Disney's "Johnny Appleseed", vintage hardback The outbreak caused more than $10.9 Billion dollars of damage. METARS overlayed. The year ended slowly with no major outbreaks in November or December and only a few isolated tornadoes, mostly related to larger winter storms. Walt Disney 2 vhs gold collection, children's. Melody Time (1998 VHS) Edit As announced on May 31, 1999, Melody Time was first released on VHS on June 2, 1998 for its 50th anniversary. The SPC had issued a moderate risk again for March 30 and March 31 over portions of southern Texas. Satellite Damage was reported to many buildings in the downtown core, as well as a section of Cordova Mall. Picture courtesy WAOW-TV. At least one person was confirmed dead in Owensboro, Kentucky. Two other tornadoes were later confirmed in South Carolina: an EF1 in Lee County and an EF0 in Orangeburg County. The tornado developed from a supercell at approximately 4pm damaging a power sub-station then going on to Dunoon where it ripped the wall of a church and damaged the roofs and walls of about 20 houses. Damages from the tornado were estimated at 138.35million yuan (US$18. A tornado also hit the areas of Dunboyne and Ashbourne in County Meath (eastern Ireland) and caused light damage to roofs in this area. Another unconfirmed tornado was spotted tracking from Livonia, Michigan to Redford Township, Michigan. Six mobile homes were destroyed, along with an athletic park. You can also see the path in the warmer months. Please try another search. The EF1 in Tarrant County resulted in a fatality. Severe Storms. Summary: A F3 tornado in Wisconsin. Two people were injured.[168][169]. [26] A total of 34 tornadoes were confirmed during the outbreak which killed 20. [159] Structural damage was also reported in Laurel County, Kentucky and in two counties in Middle Tennesseefrom separate EF1tornadoes.[160][161]. Green Bay, WI. Runoff Risk, Climate Jessica Clark First Coast News HusbandNot knowing what caused her seizure has created a lot of anxiety in the Clark household. The local health center, bank, fire station, school, supermarket, and grain elevator were all damaged. At least five different tornadoes touched down in Wisconsin, according to the Associated Press, one of which tore through the Bear Paw Resort in northern Wisconsin. The most severe structural damage occurred 3.5 miles east of the city of White Lake in Langlade County. The Livestream News Network - live, local and now online. [69] The activity weakened in the late evening, but not before the last tornadoes were reported in Iowa in the overnight hours. The area was hit with extensive severe weather over the past few days which included torrential rains that caused significant flooding across the region as well as hail and wind. Severe Storms, Tornado Track near Sturbridge, Massachusetts, Tornadoes Sweep across Midwest and Appalachians, NASA Goddard Space June 7, 2007 Tornadoes and Extreme Hail - w2.weather.gov A zoomed-out viewof satellite imagery gives perspective of the extensive distance the tornado traveled. The damage pathnear Highway 64was three-quarters of a mile wide! The NWS survey of the storm damage from Saturday Afternoon, June 7th, revealed that a strong tornado, rated EF-2 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale, touched down in Columbia County. Several tornadoes touched down, the strongest being a large EF2tornado near Sully, Iowa, which traveled 22 miles (35km) and up to 0.7 miles (1.1km) wide at its peak. [119] Additionally, an EF1tornado struck in Hadley Township, Lapeer County, at around 6:16pm EDT, leaving a 4-mile-long (6.4km) damage path. A significant severe weather event developed across the central Plains on the evening of May4. Tornado watches were spread throughout Texas. 63 tornadoes were reported in the US in September, of which at least 51 were confirmed. Violent tornadoes left tracks across northeast Nebraska on June 16, 2014. After few other significant events in the rest of January, a deadly period took place in the latter part of the winter. June 7, 2007 Tornadoes and Extreme Hail. The tornado was rated an EF5 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale,[65] the first since the new scale was implemented and the first F5 or EF5 tornado since the Bridge Creek tornado during the 1999 Oklahoma tornado outbreak on May 3, 1999. Five EF2 tornadoes touched down in the Texas Panhandle, causing severe damage along there paths. [136], Severe thunderstorms developed across the Midwest on September30. Storm-Relative Velocity. Local Drought Statement Weather service confirms 13 tornadoes from June 15 storm - WMTV 1984, June 6-07: the Barneveld tornado in western Dane Co., rated F5, left 9 dead, 200 injured, and $40 million in damages. The tornado crossed into Minnesota, where a quonset hut and a pole shed were destroyed before the tornado dissipated near Eldred. However, no one was injured. One strong EF2 tornado formed near Brookhaven, damaging several buildings and destroying two mobile homes, injuring one person. Video-still of the tornado, looking east, as it was headed toward Pike Lake. Springfield Mo Police Report LookupPerform a free Missouri public police records search, including police reports, logs, notes, blotters, bookings, and mugshots. [2] June 7, 2007 Tornadoes and Hail [8], Just two days after the first Indonesia tornado, two separate tornadoes touched down in South Sulawesi. LA CROSSE, Wis. (WEAU) - The National Weather Service offices in Wisconsin have confirmed eight tornadoes from a system of storms that passed through the . [4] In addition, three fatalities took place in Mexico, 14 in Chad, one in South Africa, three in Vietnam, one in the Philippines, 25 in China and seven in Bangladesh for a worldwide known total of at least 135. Safety Langlade County bore the worst damage from the. This EF-1 tornado damaged trees, utility poles and structures. The tornado stayed in mostly sparsely populated rural areas, but there were reports of a house 7 miles (11km) west of Arnett being hit. Snowpack provides a contrast that vividly marks where the tornado was in progress. There are other cases of where you can see tornado paths from space in both the winter and the warmer months. Severe Weather Awareness Week: Looking back at June 7, 2007 - WSAW June 7th Wisconsin Tornado Damage - Old 32 - YouTube Annual Tornado Maps (1952 - 2011): 2007 Tornadoes", "Tornado deaths prove danger of staying in cars", "Severe Weather Awareness - Tornado Statistics", "Public Information Statement National Weather Service Jackson MS", "Storm Prediction Center 20070104's Storm Reports", "Storm Prediction Center 20070105's Storm Reports", "Storm Events Database - Event Details | National Centers for Environmental Information", "Verifikation: Kurzbericht zum Tornadoverdacht Wittenberg", "NWS Melbourne February 2, 2007 Storm Survey", "Apparent tornado rips though New Orleans", "Storm Prediction Center 20070228's Storm Reports", "Storm Prediction Center 20070301's Storm Reports", "Tornado rips through Klerksdorp suburbs", "The Most 'Important' US Tornadoes by State", "SPC Severe Weather Event Review for Friday March 23, 2007", "Storm Prediction Center Storm Reports Page", "SPC Severe Weather Event Review for Sunday March 25, 2007", "Storm Prediction Center 20070328's Storm Reports", "Claiborne County TN Tornadoes since 1950", "Public Information Statement National Weather Service Memphis TN", "Four Tornadoes, Hail, and Damaging Winds Strike Central Indiana on April 11", "Storm Prediction Center 20070411's Storm Reports", "Storm Prediction Center May 17, 2020 0600 UTC Day 2 Convective Outlook", "Apr 13, 2007 2000 UTC Day 1 Convective Outlook", "Storm Prediction Center 20070413's Storm Reports", "Preliminary Tornado Damage Assessment Metroplex Storms of April 13, 2007", "Storm Damage in Central Georgia April 15, 2007", "Storm Prediction Center 20070415's Storm Reports", "SPC Severe Weather Event Review for Friday April 20, 2007", "SPC Severe Weather Event Review for Saturday April 21, 2007", "SPC Severe Weather Event Review for Monday April 23, 2007", "SPC Severe Weather Event Review for Wednesday April 25, 2007", "SPC Severe Weather Event Review for Thursday April 26, 2007", "Storm Prediction Center 20070502's Storm Reports", "May 4, 2007 0600 UTC Day 1 Convective Outlook", "Storm Prediction Center 20070504's Storm Reports", "Deadly Tornado Flattens Western Kansas Town", "Storm Prediction Center 20070503's Storm Reports", "May 5, 2007 1300 UTC Day 1 Convective Outlook", "May 6, 2007 1300 UTC Day 1 Convective Outlook", "Ontario - Special Weather Statements - Environment Canada", "Storm Prediction Center 20070521's Storm Reports", "Storm Prediction Center 20070522's Storm Reports", "Storm Prediction Center 20070523's Storm Reports", "Post Storm Survey for Louisa and Muscatine Counties", "Post Storm Survey for Jackson County IA", "Storm Prediction Center 20070601's Storm Reports", "Storm Prediction Center May 17, 2020 0730 UTC Day 3 Severe Thunderstorm Outlook", "Storm Prediction Center 20070606's Storm Reports", "Northern Ontario - Weather Warnings - Environment Canada", "National Weather Service Text Product Display", "Storm Prediction Center 20070607's Storm Reports", National Post weather information, courtesy of Canada.com and CanWest Global, "Tornado kills 2, damages hundreds of homes in central Vietnam", "Storm Prediction Center 20070621's Storm Reports", "Manitoba twister classified as extremely violent", "Tornado Touches Down in McHenry County (June 22, 2007)", "Climate Events and Impacts in July 2007", "Tornado kills 14 in Jiangsu and Anhui of south China", "Tornado Kills 14, Injures 146 in East China", "Civil Defence emergency New Plymouth district", "Storms kill one, disrupt travel around New York City", "Tornado Hits Brooklyn; Subway Back in Service", "Typhoon Sepat sweeps NW after killing 19 in SE China", "Bulacan govt will help rebuild twister-hit houses", "Thursday, August 23rd: Tornado in Northeast Montcalm County", "Friday, August 24th: Tornado in Potterville and Lansing", "August 24th Tornado Outbreak - Updated with Radar Images", "Storm Prediction Center 20070824's Storm Reports", "Storm Prediction Center 20070826's Storm Reports", "The Sunday, August 26th, Tornado Outbreak", "Northwood North Dakota Tornado Rated EF4", "Humberto's Ghost Lashes Triangle With Winds and Rain", "TD 10 (September 10-11, 2007) Tornadoes (Exclude Minnesota)", "Storm Prediction Center 20071002's Storm Reports", "Damage Ratings for Des Moines and Seymour Tornadoes on October 2", Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, "Bangladesh: Tornado season begins in earnest", "Dozens Injured After Tent Collapses At Oktoberfest", "Tornado Rips Pensacola; Storms Sweep Through Panhandle", "Two rounds of severe weather occurred on Thursday", "Kimball Residents Stunned By Tornado Damage", "EF-1 Tornado Confirmed in Laurel County on November 14", "November 14, 2007 Storm Survey - Jackson & White Counties", "Storm Prediction Center 20071215's Storm Reports", "Storm Prediction Center 20071219's Storm Reports", "Storm Prediction Center 20071220's Storm Reports", Storm Prediction Center monthly tornado stats, Annual Severe Weather Report Summary 2007, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tornadoes_of_2007&oldid=1140956605, Articles with dead external links from July 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with dead external links from October 2010, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles using infobox templates with no data rows, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0.

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