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Donations can be made online:; or checks, payable to United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (please indicate in memo line that this gift is in memory of Dr. Rolando del Carmen) can be mailed to either of two offices: The United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1221, New York, NY 10115; or, United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, 1/F, Chung Chi College Administration Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong. He is best known as the husband of Joy Behar. Als theory explains how the frustration of working class juveniles failing to achieve standards presented to them by a middle class dominated society and school system leads them to reject those standards and middle class authority figures and collectively create an alternative delinquent subculture. He saw criminology and sociology as important bases for social and philosophical deliberations on the legitimacy of the exercise of societal power, and consistently raised basic issues of the states use of power and coercion. Click on the donation form link, and be directed to a portal where log-in will be required. It was Carol who inspired us to put together a volume of New Directions in Evaluation (published in 2000), focusing it on the fellowship theme she organized around her own version of how to understand why a program works, that she called theory-based evaluation.. Division of Criminal Justice As a first-generation university student, she mentored others like her as well as international students, particularly Turkish National Police managers. Although her voluminous body of work covered a range of topics, from probation, prosecutorial decisions, criminal careers, and the processing of vulnerable populations such as people with disabilities, she is best known for her innovative work on sentencing, community corrections, and prisoner reentry. Friends and colleagues were fascinated by Teds life. A native Californian, Dale soon left the humidity and mosquitos, returning to his home state and settling in at CSUSB. Always ahead of the curve, Arnie championed the hiring of female faculty which saw Social Ecology with the highest proportion of women of any academic unit on campus as early as the 1970s. He had a productive career spanning 30 years before retiring as a Professor of Sociology in 2002. He previously was a professor of psychology at Indiana University and a professor of industrial engineering at New York University. Dr. Newman received numerous awards for his research and scholarship, including Fellow of the American Society for the advancement of Science, Fellow of the American Society of Criminology and the Western Society of Criminology. The importance of the NCCD training/research program cannot easily be overestimated. Much of his military service in the 1950s was at the prison in Nuremberg. In the late 1960s he went to work for Carl Chambers at the New York State Narcotic Addiction Control Commission and entered graduate school at New York University. In 1983, Jim established, and became the Director of, the Center for Research in Crime and Justice at NYU Law School. B Betsy Ranslow March 24 He continued this tradition in A Suitable Amount of Crime (2004). Hal leaves spouse, Jill Bystydzienski (Emerita Ohio State U), their daughter, Katy, son-in-law, Christian, and grandchildren, Mila (age 15), and Evan (age 12). He saw this as a prerequisite for bringing important social discourse to a wide audience and not preserving it for a small number of specialists. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 1950. Harold G. Grasmick, Professor Emeritus of the Department of Sociology at the University of Oklahoma and one of criminologys great minds, left our world on April 4, 2020. As a result, Jims thinking was always interestingly at odds with the conventional wisdom. Dear brother-in-law to Bruce. As well as serving on numerous university committees, Dr. Salinger was a founding member of the Executive Board of the Northeastern Arkansas Childrens Advocacy Center. He retired in 2015 and since then spent his time reading, writing and enjoying the outdoors from his cabin in the mountains of Eastern Tennessee. His students rated his teaching as outstanding and he was a popular and beloved adviser to many. He was also an inspiring mentor, helpful colleague and valued friend to so many fortunate enough to have known him. Both Steve and his wife Joy are philanthropists, and have volunteered on several occasions and with non-governmental organizations. Gilbert Geis, Professor Emeritus at UC, Irvine, passed away on November 10, 2012, after battling complications from heart surgery. We shared and relied on one another for a lot, some good some bad, but that is what made our friendship one that I have always cherished. He never failed to make the sale and showed others how being soft, sincere and confident could win a customer over. We saw each other through other painful life and work events with an enduring and solid love and respect for each other. Martin Luther King, Jr. Kauko Aromaa was a long-standing member of the board of the Scandinavian Criminological Council in 1989-2002 and he acted as president of the Council in 2001-2003. Stu served on numerous international, national and state agencies that dealt with crime, deviant behavior and crowd control and played a role in the Boston Strangler case in the 1960s. That is something we will all miss. He is also survived by nieces, nephews, other family members and friends. He authored over 100 publications, including 76 articles and book chapters, and more than two-dozen government reports, and received more than $700k in grants and contracts. In 1966, he was invited to Pennsylvania State University to design and create a curriculum in Law Enforcement and Corrections. His scholarly publications included several seminal papers on the epidemiology of crack cocaine use, as well as the effectiveness of prison- based substance abuse treatment for drug-involved offenders. In 2009, he received an honorary Doctorate of Law from the University of Guelph, Canada. Although trained in criminology, his first professional position was as director of one of the first community mental health research studies, testing the efficacy of home care for schizophrenic patients. And there are several articles that follow a similar formula, dousing liberal ideas with large quantities of cold water: Should Hate Be a Crime? Can We Ever Clean Up the Javits Center? and Will New Yorks Safe Act Make Us Safer? While Jim is best known for his books on prisons; the Mafia; and criminal records I believe that his studies in skepticism are the ones that best express his distinctive authorial voice and his personal world-view. In 2011, he won one of CSUSBs highest accolades, the Outstanding Professor Award.. Bens scholarship contributions were exceptional in depth and rigor. Steve Janowitz He did not neglect any discipline that he felt could contribute to a comprehensive etiological understanding of criminal behavior; he recognized the role of the social and physical environment in brain development and function even before neurobiological studies focused on that interaction. Elmar received an MSW degree in 1980 from Fachhochschule Niederrhein (Mnchengladbach, Germany). Among the many awards he received was the Abolitionist Award, given in 1989 by the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. He was known as a warm and engaging person who enjoyed collaborating with colleagues and supervising students. Her work helped to stimulate far greater African engagement at the 14th World Congress than at the 12th. But it was not only the Department of Sociology at PSU that benefitted from his expertise and work ethic. This book introduced and systematized the study of conflict and criminalization as testable interrelated phenomena. Friends and colleagues will remember Jean-Paul for the passion that he brought to his work and for his love of ideas, poetry, music, theatre, cinema, and poker. In fact, Carol once wrote, in her beautiful prose, that the effort put into finding such examples was protracted and painful. Instead, Carol wrote that the more common outcome of research was to affect the way people asked questions or thought about the issues, which she termed conceptual use. This impact often occurred over a long term through a mechanism she described as the circuitry of enlightenment., My personal contact with Carol began in 1997. Thus many working class juveniles engage in vandalism and interpersonal violence (non-utilitarian forms of deviance not predicted by Mertons theory) as a way to escape frustration, achieve status in the eyes of peers, and feel good about themselves. Ben earned a M.A. Durham, NH 03824, Reference from the School of Social Service Administration at the University of Chicago. His other honors included being named Headliner of the Year by the Orange County Press Club in 1977, being the recipient of the Western Society of Criminology Presidents Award in 1985 and the Governors Award for contributions in victimology in 1986. Steve, at times, seemingly didnt have much of a filter either, but he had a charm about him that just made it all work so well; he was just so damn personable! PAUL BRANTINGHAM (Simon Frasier University): I note the reasons why both the field of Criminology and the criminologists who work within it benefited greatly from this man, Ray Jeffery. He was promoted to Professor at UD in 1979. Moreover, and particularly noteworthy to the current debate over public sociology and public criminology regarding scholar versus activist/policy roles, Stan effectively embraced both. She was certainly not shy about enlisting the cadre of conflict and Marxist criminologists in the war against organized crime, advancing the belief that much of what is defined or described as organized crime are crimes committed by the state against its people. He was a dedicated professor and mentor to thousands of ASU students in his 23 years with the department. It is no coincidence that Elmars dissertation was on an alternative form of punishment, restitution. In his early career, he wrote an important and fascinating book on The Social Psychology of Social Movements (1965) that included an interrogation of the Nazi movement, lynch mobs and cults. Mitch graduated from Forest Hills High School in Queens, New York and earned his undergraduate degree in History and PhD in Sociology from the University at Albany, SUNY. Nati passed away there in 2003. Julie C. Abril Independent Social Scientist. He served as Associate Director of the Sellin Center for Criminology & Criminal Law, a position that enabled him to help assure that the 1958 Philadelphia Birth Cohort study was able to include the follow up to age 26 for those 27,160 subjects. A famous Norwegian criminologist rose during an awards banquet to declare to resounding cheers that he never wanted to hear the word biology spoken at a criminology conference again. I gained 27 years of a friendship that made me a better person than I was before that. His attention was always trained on the real world, on facts and practices, and on what criminal justice actors were actually thinking and doing. He loved to take pictures of flowers on his walks and enjoyed crafting all sorts of household items into pendants and other works of art. Although weve known Helen was dying for the last year and originally hadnt expected her to live past March 2018, she was so vibrant last summer on the pot quest and in November in our Tennessee cabin, we didnt realize we would never see her again. On December 6, 2007, Dr. C. Ray Jeffery passed away after some years of ill health. My condolences to the family. Not only did he continue to be a prolific researcher but he was highly devoted to his teaching responsibilities and in 2004 received the Chancellors Award for Excellence in Service. death. He will be remembered as a kind, caring person, often generous to a fault, who once said he wanted to be remembered as a good man. His family and friends believe he achieved his goal. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorial contributions be made to the Eugene H. and Rosalind D. Czajkoski Scholarship Fund, College of Criminology and Criminal Justice, attention Dean Blomberg, 634 W. Call Street, Tallahassee, FL 32306. With her colleague Susan Turner, she pioneered the use of the experimental paradigm in real-world criminal justice settings to assess the impact of intensive supervision. His work led to the creation of the KEY/CREST Therapeutic Community continuum of treatment for drug involved offenders in Delaware, which became a national and international model for criminal justice treatment. He was the recipient of many awards, including from the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, the National Association of Social Workers and the American Sociological Association. His legacy will guide scholars for many years to come. He is survived by his wife Sheila, and their two sons, John and Charles. His work is uniformly praised as path breaking, provocative, and vitally important. (His scholarship is occasionally described as controversial, provoking his amusement at how a work could be path breaking and provocative while avoiding controversy). Committee. In the early 2000s, Elmar suffered a sudden-onset medical emergency, complications from which would, nearly 18 years later, cost him his life. He further argued that people respond to their immediate environments so crime prevention must involve the redesign of physical, social, economic and political environments (at least). He was among the five Professors: Bob McCormack (deceased), Gordon (deceased), Bill Wakefield, and Obi Ebbe, who founded the International Section of the ACJS. He was particularly critical of official drug policy or the war on drugs. Christie and Kettil Bruun wrote the book The Good Enemy: Drug Policy and Its Beneficiaries (1985). She was appointed as a Lecturer in Sociology in the University of Lund, Sweden, in 1964, and became a Professor there in 1976. In short, Toch had an unshakable belief in the idea of bottom-up reform, involving staff and clients in the process of organisational change. At the Administration of Justice program in Houston, Professor Opolot showed distinctive and commendable services over the years through his participation in numerous dissertation committees and advisor to the Administration of Justice Club. In a career spanning more than 50 years, he produced almost two dozen books and countless articles, which were frequently reprinted over the decades. Her parents were Wallace and Annie Laurie Dixon. related to miscreant physicians. Those who have had the opportunity to work together with Kauko remember him as a colleague who never lost his temper and good mood, and who always had time for discussionand always with a point. Throughout his career he published three books, more than 50 articles and nearly 100 research reports.He worked closely with a substantial number of masters and doctoral students. One of the leading criminologists of the past century, Travis fundamentally changed the way scholars throughout the world study and think about crime, deviance and conformity. WebWisconsin obituaries and death notices, 1989 to 2023. Josine was a member of the Scientific Council of the Council of Europe and served on numerous international expert committees. The world will never be the same or as cheerful as when "Jag" was around. Besides Ms. Putnam, whom he married in 1990, he is survived by four children from his first marriage: Mark, Paul and Guy Bedau and Lauren Bedau Evans; two sisters, Carol Bell and Renee Larsen; and five grandchildren. She was a selfless woman of great warmth, compassion, love, integrity, and an engaging sense of humor. But as Jeff said more than once, Thank you very much, thats enough. After college, they moved to Washington, D.C., while Travis served in the United States Army at Fort Meyer, Virginia. As of 2019, Steve and Joy are living their happy conjugal life together in a 1,400 square foot apartment located. Jeff stimulated the imagination of many criminologists over the years. in sociology and educational psychology in 1958. Over the years we shared conference panels and more than a few beers He was a very humorous fellow under that no nonsense cloak he so often wore. Dr. Becker a police officer with Los Angeles Police Department for four years and a member of the U. S. Coast Guard for eight years. In between, he was an assistant professor of Political Science (Criminal Justice Program) at California State University, Chico (2002-2006) and then an associate professor there in 2006. In 2020, the department named a graduate student paper award in his honor to recognize his many contributions. Ed held several key posts at NIJ including Science Advisor to the NIJ Director (1984-1992), Director of Corrections Research (1992-1996), Director of Program Development, 1998-1999), Assistant Director (1999-2000), Senior Science Advisor (2001-2008), and Director of NIJs International Research Center (2008-present). Submitted by: Straus spent most of his career, from 1968 until his death, at UNH, much of it as director of the Family Research Laboratory, after previous positions at Washington State University, University of Wisconsin, Cornell and the University of Minnesota. In his spare time, he renovated his 100-year old home, planned family vacations, cooked great meals, exercised, and played card games. He always said that students will forget what they learned in your class, but they will never forget how you treated them. As Dr. del Carmen was known for his kindness and self-effacing demeanor, Dr. Vaughn remarked that Dr. Steve Janowitz Make sure relatives of Maurice Janowitz know they have sympathy messages here. There was no better colleague and academic partner than Rick Ruddell. Above all, Ray believed the most important job in his life was being a father. On March 5, 2017, the world lost one of the greatest fathers, husbands, sons, siblings, teachers, and scholars on the planet. His research interests were broad and his personal interests even broader. Harold is remembered as a loving grandfather, father and son and will be missed by many. I love this man more than my own father. Copyright 2023 Echovita Inc. All rights reserved. Relationships, children, pets, moving, travel, music, Tacos for Everyone (inside joke, ask me in person)things that are what make us who we are as people. 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