the loud house, lincoln yells at ronnie anne fanfictionbest freshman dorm at coastal carolina

and The Chipmunks, and more! Despite Lucy, Lisa, and Lily, they are the only girls that they don't have nightmares unlike most of the girls. Ronnie Anne Santiago: I think that would be great. Silvermist, Fawn, Iridessa and Vidia: Yeah! Only to be confronted by an angry group of Loud Sisters as they loom over him. On the plus side, he gets his own room. About yesterday. Lynn's bed has a red blanket, while Lucy's has a black blanket and also has a high frame. *Nuzzles him*, Luan, Lana, Lola, Lisa, Lily: *watch in guilt*. Please ADD. He close the door once they got out. Now, everyone to the kitchen. She hold Lincoln's hand. *Kisses Lily in the cheek & Kisses Lincoln in the lips*. I should've believed you. Lisa deactivated Lincoln's tracking implant. I'm getting hungry right now. The second is in "The Whole Picture", where he has less hair, but still has the same footy pajamas (Jordan Rosato). Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride, Episodes focusing on Ronnie Anne Santiago. I was about to go fashion center, but then there was some screaming and banging. "Along Came a Sister". Also please don't flame me. Hope you don't mind that I sleep with you. If he could go anywhere in the world, it would be Euro DairyLand. They snuggle in for her bed sheets. He did not panic about the possibility of being adopted, and was also calm when he was telling his parents about the clues that made him believe he was adopted. Wolver-loud (A loud house/X-men cr. Do you mind of I sit? I got him off of her because I was so mad and kick his jaws loosing his teeth. His plans rarely succeed because of his own selfish and reckless decisions or by his sisters' interference. The middle child between his five older sisters and five younger sisters, Lincoln knows that surviving in the Loud House means staying a step ahead. Her mother closes the door. [they laugh some more], Lincoln: Look, Ronnie Anne. Lori Loud: Well, one of my sister has a tracking device on Lincoln. Luan: *guilty* Lincoln, I know what we did was wrong, and we're sorry. He also wears brown ice skates. The girls ran to their parents and hugged as they reunited except for Lynn. Am I right? The friends of all the other siblings now hate them and they became the most hated outcasts in Royal Woods. She felt really bad for her sisters except for Lynn. *Walks over and picks up Lily* *Smiles at Lily* Lily, I know you didn't take part in any of this, that is why we've packed your stuff because we're taking you with us. Lincoln: >looks around, annoyed, kicks them out< Oh no you don't, out you imposters, out out out and stay out. Sid: So, how did your brother call Lori Loud about Lincoln hurts your feelings? Ronnie Anne is Lincoln's best female friend, and former classmate, who moved to Great Lakes City to live with her extended family, the Casagrandes.During her time in Royal Woods, and before they became best friends, she frequently bullied and humiliated Lincoln in front of his peers.Now a student on the honor roll at Cesar Chavez Academy, Ronnie Anne was known as the toughest girl . Ronalda "Ronnie" Anne Santiago is a supporting character from The Loud House and the protagonist of its spin-off, The Casagrandes. Lori Loud: He ran out from the mall. Lori Loud: But Bobby, you can't be serious?! I believe that he stopped by at a different houses either it's one of his friends. Lynn Loud Sr.: (livid) But that doesn't mean we went to jail! She opens the door and got into the drivers seat and shut the door. You're not the only one who's having a bad dream. To survive in this house, Lincoln always has to have a plan. Lisa Loud: I never had any nightmares, but this is horrible! I predict him for his fortune. This is a separate fanfic that I made as a single chapter only. I had a terrible day. Luna: *Furious* I have a better idea, Lynn. Lynn and Lucy's room. How could you say something to your brother!?!? Lincoln wears an orange polo shirt, blue jeans, gray socks with blue and red stripes, and white sports shoes with red stripes. He went on his first mechanical pony ride with Luan and Lucy when he was around four years old. As a result, Lincoln got deleted out of existence, although he returned when Lisa and Lily prevented this timeline alteration. The girls listen to Lynn about her nightmare. Lincoln often breaks the fourth wall to explain what he is doing, the progress he's on, and what he has learned in the beginning, middle, and/or end, respectively. Luna was shock to hear this. Okay! Back at the Santiago house, Lincoln Ronnie Anne, and Bobby have already eat their pizza for dinner and went to get themselves clean. Ronnie Anne: *cracks knuckles* Didn't you hear my warning?! If you want to stay, that's fine. Lincoln: "I'll try.". Lori: *Furious to Lola* Why don't you SHUT THE HELL UP, Lola?! Laney: I wanted no involvement in all this but I was trying to help you. Ronnie Anne: It was all started at the cafeteria so Lincoln read a note when his friends saying! I realized that they brought their pet to finish me off! We knew it was our fault and we didn't want this to happen. Lincoln is not a bad luck, YOU ARE!!! Lynn Loud Sr.: (sigh) You know what it needs to be done. Together, they fight and defeat the gas monster, and save the day. ", Lori: "Lincoln, what you did may not be the right choice of wordsbut I don't blame you. Lincoln: *Realizes what his sisters are saying now*. One Boy, Eleven Girls! Jenny Padilla: Please treat them well. After refusing maple syrup on his pancakes by claiming that he is "syruped out", Lincoln was banned from Canada for three years, which matches up to his duration of middle school. Lincoln thinks she's like any other girl, since she's just like her new sisters. Lincoln Loud: That's the point. 'Not A Loud' | The Loud House The Loud House 1.61M subscribers 42K 7.6M views 2 years ago #LoudCasa #TheCasagrandes #TheLoudHouse It's Lincoln's turn to present his birth story to the. Also please don't flame me. Lincoln: *beyond furious* IF YOU LOVED ME, THEN YOU WOULDN'T HAVE LET THIS NONSENSE HAPPEN! She rang the doorbell. Lynn Loud Jr.: Because..I had a bad dream. When he realizes that having brothers instead of sisters is not as great as he thought it would be, he tries escaping and wound up in a dimension where he is a girl named Linka and is the middle child and only daughter of the eleven Loud children. As the middle child and the only boy, Lincoln is often used as a lab rat, or fashion show participant. And I'm proud to call you 3 my moms and my sisters. Lynn is staring at them, but most older sisters looked stern at her. Biography. But doing this isn't right! Maria Santiago: I'm not so sure. Lori Loud: (sobbing softly) He is not coming with us. It's Lincoln's turn to present his birth story to the class but his scrapbook is entirely empty. I do you ask? He always reads his comic books in white briefs and socks, but on some occasions, he reads his comic books in his full outfit. After what happened, I wouldnt blame her if shes still upset with me., Lori: Lincoln, this could be the only chance that you and Ronnie Anne might make up., Lori: Thank you, Lincoln. Sometimes, he hangs out with other kids, but the rest of his social life has not been explored, and other kids can tease him depending on the circumstance.[13][14]. Lynn Loud Jr.: (livid) He got you two arrested! On Lincoln's seventh birthday, he had a magician themed party. What were you thinking? Takes place in the middle of the events of the infamous episode No Such Luck. (looked down in shame) I realized that I could've killed him because of me. He appeared again in "Pulp Friction" when he and One-Eyed Jack were held captive by Wild Card Willy. We're okay. Like the time we fought over for money, the "spot", TV, pool, pizza, anything. Now, let's get ourselves for dinner and where's Lincoln? Her sisters were remained silence. Lincoln: *looks over to her, depressed* Hey, Ronnie Lincoln: *depressed* My family kicked me out because they think Lincoln: *depressed* Because I faked that I was bad luck Lori, Luna, Laney, Lucy & Leni watches the whole scene, sad*. He has the right to be mad at us. Lincoln is incredibly calm. Ronnie Anne Santiago: Lincoln, you'll always fit in. Let's take a look at their friendship time. . Lily: *reaches for Ronnie* Thwank you, Wonnie. Lucy Loud: Lynn said that she never really wants him instead. Lincoln: *Smiles* Thanks babe. Lori Loud: (sobbing softly) Let's go everyone. Laney: Guys this has gone on long enough. Lori Loud: It was all Lynn's superstition! For those you didn't know that I looked up online, there is no such is thing bad luck. Lincoln: Ronnie Anne and I are talking about Bobby and Lori! It caused to wake everybody else up and ran out from their room to Lori and Leni's Room. At some point in his toddlerhood, Lincoln chipped his front tooth. ", Lincoln: "Let me finish! Bobby Santiago: Of course I'm serious! I wouldn't do No Such Luck even if you paid me. Lincoln looked at her picture of Ronnie Anne, Bobby, and her mother as he smiled. I am a bad luck! Living in a female-dominated family caused him to develop typically feminine traits, like kindness, sensitivity, cooking, beauty pageant knowledge, and sewing skills. The twins nodded and walked over to Lori to give her a hug. He likes breakfast burritos with cheese and no potatoes. She is Bobby Santiago's younger sister, as well as the other best friend and former classmate of Lincoln Loud. It's our own fault that we did this. ", Lori (hugs him back): " You're welcome. Lincoln is not the first Nicktoons character not to have a consistent voice actor. He has an overbite, with a prominent chipped front tooth, noticeable bags around his eyes, and freckles on his cheeks. He was bored, and so his companion Ka-Lyde (an alter-ego of Clyde), tried to help him steal a TV remote-like device from a ten-headed beast that resembled the Loud sisters. It's my first ever one shot I've done. When he came home! Sid: So, how did you guys went to Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet? West Buy! Luna: *sad* Guys, was what we did really the right thing? The Loud kids are hard at work cleaning up their rooms. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! As the family nerd, along with Lisa, Lincoln is an avid fancier of comic books, manga, video games, fantasy, and science fiction stories, which are typical interests for a boy his age. Lori Loud: (snapped with tears) It's your fault that Bobby broke up with me twice! Around this time Lincoln owned a tricycle. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. You see, Lincoln was being bullied, and we tried to help him. When she sees Lincoln outside his house. She turn the keys to turn off the van and looked at her sisters. He also remembers dressing up as Ace Savvy for Halloween at age five and meeting Clyde. At age three, Lincoln became a big brother, when his sister Lucy was born. Bobby Santiago: Yeah, he did. There is another toy in Lincoln's room that resembles the Mazinger mech from the Mazinger franchise. Lori Loud: Yes, I do too. Lynn looked at her mom and dad crossing their arms. We have no excuse for treating our eldest brother like that. The girls take a seat while Rita and Lynn Senior stand in front of the TV. Lori Loud: I didn't know when this happens! Lincoln became the current middle child when Lily was born. That's not how you behave like that! In each episode, Lincoln must find a new way to solve the problems that face his huge household. Back at the Loud House at midnight, they've already went to bed after dinner except for Lynn that she has trouble sleeping on her bed. Bobby pulled out his phone to order their pizza while Maria went to the kitchen to hand out the dishes. ", Lincoln: "That's a pretty ludicrous reason for doing so. My parents are in jail and my sisters blaming me all because of that stupid bad luck! The ghost Lincoln mostly resembles his human counterpart, but wears a green elf costume and a ghostly tail. Ronnie Anne: *Walks up to everyone, angry* What gave you the right to kick out my boyfriend/future husband!? He is not as good as his sisters in what they do, but he is competent enough to impress and help them in what they are doing: such as helping Lucy write her poems, being one step ahead of Luan in her pranks, preventing Lisa's experiment from exploding by adding a chemical, assisting Leni with her fashion designing, and catching Lynn's football in "Project Loud House". While trying to catch up to his older sister Lynn, he accidentally ran into Clyde who was dressed as One-Eyed Jack, giving him a nosebleed in the process. Lincoln has trouble with woodworking, which causes him to lose his eyesight, the feeling on his legs, and his ears start ringing. Lana Loud: I eat nasty stuff that you don't like. I guess I was too late to warned you. Lincoln has had broken back teeth about since he was 5 years old.[7]. by omegacrow-nexus 91.9K 1.1K 36 During a fight with his older sister lori, lincoln's claws come out and he brutally injures her. Wait here. Lincoln often speaks to the viewers about how he gets around his often-chaotic household, the insane antics of his ten sisters, and other things he's doing, and it makes him break the fourth wall. Lori Loud: It's okay Leni. Bye. Ronnie Anne Santiago: It's fine, just giving you comfortable in case you have trouble of sleeping. Being the only boy DOES come with some perks - hey, hes got his own room! Lincoln Loud: I guess so. The girls never knew how Lynn finally admitted. Lucy: Tell Lynn Jr. that we're not roommates anymore either. Lincoln is the second smartest sibling, after. Around age six, Lincoln and his friend Clyde made a secret hideout in a cave at Tall Timber park. Get away from that jinx! He writes an essay about Pop-Pop, titled 'My Hero', every year. Ronnie Anne Santiago: Hey, you okay for that? Ronnie Anne Santiago: Do you really hate them? It's been happening for 3 weeks straight. ), Lori (on the phone): I'll talk to him. He yelled at us saying that we were selfish sisters. Lori Loud: That's all I know. As a parent in this house, you're grounded! Bobby Santiago: Then what else are you going to do, huh?! He acts as the "Jack of All Trades" to all of his sisters. It eventually comes out, and it's a sloppy joe with a note on it. Got it? (A collaboration with crafordbrian17) Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure/Humor - Ronnie Anne S., Rita L. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 5,823 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 1h - Published: 12/18/2022 - id . She starts to mumble and move her sides on her bed. He close the door behind him instead of replying to her. He gets nervous while meeting one of his idols for the first time. During production, Lincoln was the last of the Loud children to be named. He collect his money and run out of the house on his bike to a hardware store) LINCOLN: Ah! (chuckles), Lincoln: "Lori(hugs her) Thanks for understanding. Laney I can never stay mad at you because I had a feeling you weren't involed in any way. It is uncertain as to why Lincoln's hair is white. He insulted me and I got so mad at him for what he did. Expect to see some EXCLUSIVE vlogs and podcasts as well as hilarious moments, interactive guides and even more. At 12-years-old (11-years-old before Season 6), Lincoln is both the middle child and the only son of the Loud family, as well as the sixth oldest. Ronnie Anne take the remote to turn on the TV. Most of the time Lincoln is quiet and relaxed, but sometimes he gets upset when he is annoyed, or when something goes wrong. Lincoln stepped up and took the blame for himself instead of us. His most favorite subject in school is Psychology. The two are laughing. In "10 Headed Beast," Lincoln imagines himself as a warrior named Linc the White-Haired. It's my first ever one shot I've done. They didn't notice when Lori is crying because her makeup messed up until they heard a sniff. His favorite music band is SMOOCH. Luna is rubbing her back to calm her down. He exhale. Leni Loud: No! You did the right thing by standing up for yourself. Lynn Loud Jr.: What's wrong with you people!? It's the least I can do. Takes place after Helluva Loud Luck. His greatest fear is the family falling apart,[16] along with being hated by his sisters.[11]. Since he is the main character of the show, he appears on the title card for every episode. Lori slowed down the van and looked right as it turned out to be her boyfriends house. The All-New, All-Different Regular Show Movie: Sterling Archer x Bob Belcher, How A Canterlot Wedding Part 1 Should Have Ended, The Gang Civil War 3: Crisis on Chronopolis, The All-New, All-Different Regular Show Movie: Sterling Archer x Bob Belcher/Gallery, Ladybug and Spider-Man: The Rise of Venom. Luan Loud: My pranks are terrible to him. Her sisters gasp. The girls mentioned for their nightmares are most of fanfiction stories I read. She looked at her family one last time as they all glared at her and continued walking upstairs. Rita Loud: Kids, they give us a second chance to redeem ourselves, but that doesn't mean that we can't let anything happen to you or anyone else. Sid, Adelaide and I just to came over to tell you the story! On Lincoln and Ronnie Anne Vlog #15, these two best friends send each other care packages to unbox on camera! In "Recipe for Disaster," Lincoln dresses as Ace Savvy while investigating a mystery involving some frozen dinners using the same recipes as Lynn Sr. Likewise, he dislikes sitting in front of Lori (because she gets carsick) or Lana (because she owns a peashooter). He smiled at them as both kids snuggled. Bobby walked to the living room and sit on the chair. Bobby Santiago: (sigh) No, I broke up with Lori. Lynn Loud Jr.: After you got arrested, I had an argument with him and it was his fault for calling the cops on us. I've had it with you and your hypothesis! Lynn has pennants hanging on her side of the room, while Lucy's side has a mirror, and a writing desk. Jenny Padilla: He's doing fine. The Loud House is an American animated television series created by Chris Savino that premiered on Nickelodeon on May 2, 2016. Lincoln was delivered by the First Lady of the United States. All she did was messing with him or broke his project for science and giving him "Dutch Oven" to gross him out.

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